_#s/he_#new-territories_#Francois Roche

Francois Roche _ S/he _ New-Territories _ Essays _ Books _ Main texts
PDF downlodable (english) 250 pages / https://goo.gl/G8s492
>LOG10 / NYc / 2006 / I’ve heard About / https://goo.gl/U71J1d
>Perspecta 42 / Yale / 2009 / Endlessness / https://goo.gl/JM8oGH
>LOG 36 / NYc / 2016 / Mmyst Vs Concrete Island / https://goo.gl/pNWAbY
>Mouvement / Le Laboratoire / 2011 / An Architecture of “Humeurs” / https://goo.gl/XZfMP2
>AD 80 / London / Eco Redux / 2010 / (Science) Fiction, Ecophysical Apparatus and Skizoid Machines / https://goo.gl/hJJCxU
>LOG 25 / Nyc / F.R. Editor / 2012 / Reclaim resi(lience)stance / https://goo.gl/yjVmWQ
>The Cornell Journal / Mathematics / 2013 / experimentation in Human Park / https://goo.gl/7Csevw
>>>AD 83 / London / new pastoralism / 2013 / next door instructions / https://goo.gl/K2dmsS
>E-Flux / NYc / Journal #46 / 2013 / Ge(Y)en / https://goo.gl/z4tEXp
>LOG 44 / Nyc / 2018 / #digitaldisobedience / to buy >>> http://goo.gl/CJLvoi
>Springer / Robotic Fabrication / 2016 / Robotic Fabrication / Psychastenia / https://goo.gl/c2KZWq
>AD84 / London / Made_by_robots / 2014 / Machines To Rent / https://goo.gl/uhcysi
>LOG 22 / Nyc / Absurdism / 2011 / alchemistrick-machine / https://goo.gl/P7anLn
>Permanent Change / Columbia Gsapp / 2007 / The shadows of Mirror / https://goo.gl/Z6YvKS
>Permanent Change / Columbia Gsapp / 2011 / The song of Styren / https://goo.gl/tTMPUr
>AD 86 / London / issue 6 / Mood in Arch. / 2017 / https://goo.gl/BREkBk
>AD 79 / London / Digital Cities / 2009 / https://goo.gl/z83qNg
>AD 78 / London / Neo Plasma / 2008 / https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ad.772
>Non Standard / Paris / 2003 / Pompidou Center / (science)Fiction &Mass Culture Crisis / https://goo.gl/EGBsM1
In French / textes / 1994-2002
>T(e)en Years After / 2002 / https://goo.gl/q8mZxT
Downloadable BOOKs (selections)
>#digitaldisobediences / BKK / 2018 / Frac-Tars-NEWT / https://goo.gl/rv3gGY or https://goo.gl/EJBrYR
>The Buildingwhichneverdies / France / 2010 / https://goo.gl/1KsaLi or https://goo.gl/KZhLiw
>I’ve heard About / MAM / Paris / 2005 / Neighborhood Protocol / https://goo.gl/4HGCJg
>I’ve heard About / MAM / Paris / 2005 / I’ve heard About / https://goo.gl/5VJckV
>MythomaniaS / Nyc / 2015 /Punctum Press / https://goo.gl/yajwVA
>Heretic Machinism & Living Arch. / 2014 / IT Revolution / https://goo.gl/dxUe46
>SpoiledClimate / 2006 / Birkhauser / https://goo.gl/rp78od
>LOG 25 / Nyc / F.R. Editor / 2012 / Reclaim resi(lience)stance / https://goo.gl/yjVmWQ
>2050 Bitterness / 2007 / CollectifMIX / https://goo.gl/mWp8Ze
>Architecture of “humors” / 2010 / Mouvement / https://goo.gl/XZfMP2
>The Shadows of Chameleon (1994) / https://goo.gl/S2bM7d
Monographies on Amazon
>#digitaldisobediences / https://www.amazon.com/digitaldisobediences-would-rather-Fiction-MAKER-ebook/dp/B07G4J3H3K
>mythomaniaS / https://www.amazon.com/Bioreboot-Architecture-R-sie-n/dp/1568988699
>Heretic Machinism and living arch. / https://www.amazon.com/Francois-Heretical-Machinism-Architecture-Territories-com/dp/1291883800
>Fiction Script / https://www.amazon.ca/Sie-Fiction-Scripts-Heard-About/dp/7543461633
>Spoiled Climate / https://www.amazon.com/Spoiled-Climate-Benoit-Durandin/dp/3764301287
>Corrupted Biotopes /https://www.amazon.com/DD-05-SIE-Corrupted-Biotopes/dp/8995359870
>I’ve heard About / Catalogue / http://www.paris-art.com/rsien-architectes-ive-heard-about/
>Bioreboot / https://www.amazon.com/Bioreboot-Architecture-R-sie-n/dp/1568988699
>All Parhesia / text English / 250 pages / 1994-2018 / https://goo.gl/G8s492
>All texts / scenario / 550 pages / 1994-2018 / texts French-English / https://goo.gl/rqFDpV