in the Deep Wild Thai Forest for 3 weeks of immersion at the research of the Feral Child Expedition-Odyssey / 20 people / Scientific, Biologist, Ethnographer, Architects,…& Hunter / Blog /
in the Deep Wild Thai Forest for 3 weeks of immersion at the research of the Feral Child Expedition-Odyssey / 20 people / Scientific, Biologist, Ethnographer, Architects,…& Hunter / Blog /
[…] 30 June 2014 / 7 PM / Opening of the LAB M4 / MindMachineMakingMyths / Non-Profit Academic inter-zone /5 Stores Building on Chao Praya river [eIf/bʌt/c] / Institute for contingent scenario / (including 6 axes robot, 3d printers, 3d Scanners + Spindle, Extruder, Plasma and other cutting, forming, additive, substractive systems…+ HD Camera, SteadyCam, […] (The mister Jourdain’ syndrome) Obscene was the Venice Biennale of Rem Koolhaass On one side the fetishism of the industrial products and components (Italian International Pavilion) and on the other the celebration of the political failure of the world… as a naive agitprop able to wrap the architect with politically correct conscientiousness… self-complaisance for this […]
……. ///100 pages ……. ……. ///10 pages ……. /// 96 pages ……. /// 10 pages ……. ///10 pages ……. / 8 pages …… …… / // […] (MindMachineMakingMyths)… Bangkok LAB ——————- Small resume of last episodes of ‘Free Time’ production since 2012/ Props in India+Thailand+Austria+Grece…
and some short cut movies / -Although (in) hapnea / – … Would have been my last complaint / –Beau-strosity / –Terra Insola / […] Movie in three acts (5mn) -The architect and The Little Girl -The Museum Guard -The Client (for the V. Biennale 2014 / Opening in June) From: Sent: F Roche To: Alejandro Zaera-Polo I’ve to react… sorry to be the first but everybody is thinking perhaps the same….on his own…about you..boy The invitation at the origin was only concerning people I respect… at the origin of the shifting>>> But for some reason, a ‘stupid Spanish’ has been included without any attention […] BKK / 2013 / RMIT / New-Territories / Movie ‘∑ days’ under editing / with Gwyll Jahn, Mark Kowalyov, Agatha Partyka, Jack Mansfield-Hung, Daniel Balacich, Lynda Nguyen, Christopher Ferris, Khunakorn Terdkiatkhachorn, Victor Wong, Grant Trewella
Experiments by New-Territories Text / N.T. / Francois Roche – Camille Lacadee Machines / N.T. / Francois Roche – Stephan Henrich (including some LAB-usc/angewandte) There are many machines, so many desirable machines that in fact pretend to do more than they are doing. In the pursuit of pataphysics – the branch of […] Design documents extracts/
Movie / —————- —————- Scenario / Design documents extracts / PROLOGUE / A ghostly emergence amid a jungle… sombre […] Just arrived in BKK for ‘Timidity Symptom’ prototypes and other stuffs
Development of a non linear G-Code between sliding track and XYZ positioning nozzle (extrusion polymer Gun) / Francois Roche with Wes Mc Gee and Michigan Ann-Arbor Master Class / Research course on language and stochastic feed back (winter 2012) /
Tourette syndrome or Gilles […] A small dialogue ‘french talking to french” Le bateleur / “Rentrez ! Messieurs, Mesdames“….dans mon espace d’Architecture paramétrique, géométries complexes, design procédural : si vous êtes convaincus de l’intérêt de ces nouveaux outils pour la conception et la modélisation de vos projets, ce message pourrait vous intéresser. Autrement, vous avez peut-être gaspillée 23 secondes de […] After the two sessions 2012-2013 / New DIY-workshop / Scenario-Computation-Machinism Thailand in the deep forest / 1-21 July / Applications on Application Closed / 15 people selected / But we can add one more if special motivation / On email DIYcrew <> .. […] French + English Version ‘From Radicalism to Idiotcracy, From Y.F. to P.S.’
At cross-purposes As multipurpose as a Swiss army knife, shunted back and forth every which way between art and architecture, he is at once an alibi, a foil, a spiritual father, a defeated ideologue whose scars are an atonement (the […] Last book-monograph / English Version / Italian Version
Order / Amazon Color / Hard copy / 10 euros
Gsapp 2013 / Last installation with Pork Intestines (2km) and master class / Catenaries + Shrinking / About the transformation of a controlled trajectories from Computing to Biotopes affects… Movie 14 mn / BKK / 2013 Open Vimeo in Internet Explorer for a smooth viewing… With sound head set … (Vimeo compression doesn’t work on Chrome and Mozilla Firefox) Although (in) hapnea from [eIf/bʌt/c] on Vimeo.
Credits production: New-Territories co-production: Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, Graham Foundation Chicago, CNC Dicream a film by: […] Evolutionary structure test for Beacon Dia Art Foundation (north NYC) / Scenario with Pierre Huyghe (2004) /
Alloy memory shape experiment / transformation with low voltage / 2004 / test visible at Pompidou Center © New-Territories [eIf/bʌt/c] François Roche, Camille Lacadee […]
Beau-strosity / Movie 3mn>>> (Beau)strosity is set in the slum of a BKK megacity in which all assumptions of complex political cultural structures coexist in continual violent struggle. What the journalist discovers is an insidious infiltration of an incestuous phenomenon, a structure that is an embodiment of the […] Terra Insola is a collective enterprise of scientific storytellers, speculative archeologists, regenerative engineering, deviant-mythologists and dirty-physiologist exploring the mythic figure of Ariadne as an archetype of a modern feminist, living within a suspended time between two stages of her life, in the time between her relationships with Theseus to Dionysus, between the macho-man and […]
Outdoor (Krems-Austria) Indoor (Air de Paris)
Alterated States (Mind-machines) New-Terriories / [eIf/bʌt/c] / Francois Roche-Camille Lacadée With Carsten Holler It’s about the choreography of several dancers, several mind-machines, disarticulated and in disequilibrium, petrified in four different positions, […] Although (in) hapnea (short movie) [eIf/bʌt/c] Camille Lacadee, Francois Roche
[…] DIY – Worshop / Greece / 2013 Content / Conditions / Location / Deadline / 30 April 2013 / email for registration /
Nostalgia Paradigms All (n)certainties research / Robotic Scenario / Crits / Michigan / Taubman University + GSAPP – Columbia University
Reclaim Resi(lience)stance Event POSTPONED to 8th DEC…Colateral effect of Frankenstorm Event / evening / for the Releasing of LOG#25 “Beauty Bar” 6:30-8PM / 231 E 14th St / 8 dec 2012 New York / ID Card for over 21 / Speeches Bubbles, Drinks & Manicures with François Roche_ […] Text for e-flux / /
———————————————————————————————————— “gre(Y)en” This seems to be a history of the stuttering between Green and Grey, between chlorophyll addiction, the dream of an ideal biotope re-primitivised and re-artificialized in pursuit of paradise lost, of Eden […] (introduction of LOG#25 / about capitalism, technologies, masochism, machinism and languages…) Reclaim Resi[lience]stance//….R2 I am an imposter. They told me so… finally… it’s out… What am I to do now with the life of agreeable fakery that binds me, in claimed feebleness, to things and to people, to suspect humanity. We could wonder about this…, […]
Co-Curating a dark side night at the 13th Biennale of Venice / 28th of October / Somewhere on the Laguna The Menu: (in)Toxic Sublimini A recipe for the feedback of repulsive magnetism, screaming “poiesis” in the syrupy distressnessless misunderstanding. Three ingredients of the sublime: the noble, the splendid and the […] Reclaim Resi[lience]stance / Releasing of LOG#25 / July 2012 / New-York / Guest Editor F. Roche Inky (FR back tatooed for Log#25 issue) Order / Tribe: Pia Ednie Brown, Alisa Andrasek, Ezio Blasetti, Sebastien Bourbonnais, Shabnam Hosseini, Francois Jouve, Matthias Kohler, Sanford Kwinter, Camille Lacadee, Stephanie Lavaux, Sylvia Lavin, Antonio Negri […] The movie title: “would have been my last complaint” The shell-ter title: “Devil Trap” From the workshop in India:
“ It would have been the last Leaving my condition unresolved I […] Installation low-cost: 2500 euros For Jitti’s Demon In Venice chroregraphy performance, in the pursuit of Thomas Man’s novel…with an apparatus trying to contain the invasion of the epidemic disease, the Cholera, trying to repulse the wind of Death and its somberness to preserve the particles of life scattered behind the illusory protection […] Experimentation on human park […] Final crits / RMIT-UTS / Blog on
5 Scenario and 7 Diaries to negociate (or not) the hostile conditions on Australian Outback Comput-DIY / 25 may – 25 june 2012 INDIA / Gokarna / A workshop which is thinking-doing a shelter which is doing a movie / OPEN for architecture students (application below) François Roche (Columbia GSAPP university) / R&Sie(n) / Ezio Blasetti (UPenn, GSAPP, Pratt) / Stephan Henrich / (USC-Angewandte Guest) […] -Yale, YSOA, USA, “The Risk(s) of Hiring Me”, 2 April 2012, -BKK, Bangkok, Thailand, “unancitypated futur”, INDA, Faculty of Architecture of Chulalongkorn University, 11 February, 6PM -Hanover, Germany, Contractworld, “fiction as practice, practice as H&N”, 17 January 2012 -Istanbul, ARCHTHEO conference, “Stories”, 24 November 2011 -Munich, academy for fine arts, “no title”, 3 Nov […] Studio Francois Roche (link) / GSAPP / Columbia / 116 street / 1PM – 5PM Final review the 9th of december 2011 Location GSAPP / Room 114 Avery Hall (architecture department, Basement) with : Molly Nesbit / Lydia Kallipoliti / Rirkrit Tiravanija / Pierre Huyghe / Roland Snooks / Ben Aranda / Danielle Willems […]
2011 New-Territories / R&Sie(n) Une piste de dance, un « Stage » pour Richard Siegal a Chaillot, entracte de William Forsythe, dans le foyer, pour des performances live….. Spectacle et légèreté mises en abime…chaotiques, cacophoniques…Il semble qu’il se soit passé quelque chose ici… et les murs ne sont pas amnésiques…du temps ou le jazz […] Log 25 Spring/Summer 2012 Reclaim Resi[lience]stance Guest Editor: Francois Roche Deadline: February 15, 2012 _____________________________________________________ Call it madness, if you want . . . but the new world knows only resistance . . . when I bend in order to avoid accepting the rules and their authority, I am destroying the foundations, I am insulting […] 15 November 2011 / Opening of International competition (under 30 Y) / for scenario + fabrication / Bordeaux-Artigues / France / Architects+Artists+Landscape designers / blog : ————————- “it has been here” « ça s’est passé ici » ————————- “Grass produces neither flower nor sermon on the mountain, nor airplane carrier, but in the […] Isobiot®ope-Restart Uranium as both “legitim pananoïa & UV pathologies’ marker”
“Heshootmedown” / Korea / 2009 / R&Sie(n) / François Roche, Stephanie Lavaux…. with Stephan Henrich (robotic) Competition with Store Front / New-York Guest Curator / Eva Franch Concept – Juror / François Roche _animated gif / click_
Submission / End of June This competition calls for a radical reimagination of the current relationship between humans and the built environment […]
-22nd September / Gsapp / Francois Roche-R&Sie(n) / Ecosophical Apparatuses & Skyzoid Machines / 6:30PM / Wood Auditorium / Avery Hall
Fragments of _An architecture “des humeurs”_ / Basel-Graz / 2010 More on : blog/architecturedeshumeurs/
[…] The Isobiot®ope installation unfolds a scenario about a mineral element which is able to indicate the degree of UV crossing the stratosphere through its after glowing appearance (pigment of Isobiotrope exited by the UV ray) and by this way revealing the degree of Ozone degradation at the origin of some human pathologies.
On Saturday 17 July an international exhibition, Swarm Intelligence: Architectures of Multi-Agent Systems, will open at Architecture SH in HKU’s Shanghai Study Centre near the Bund, Shanghai, China.
Swarm intelligence is a revolutionary new theory for explaining how the world operates. It has already transformed a number of disciplines from […] Biennale / Venice / R&Sie(n) Speeches / Video of 5mn Click on link – picture or here to get the 5mn speeches Dialogue / Natanel Elfassy – François Roche / 2010 Published in LOG /Spring-Summer 2010 / Thanks To Cynthia Davidson The only thing the reader will see marching past him are inadequate means: fragments, allusions, strivings, investigations. Do not try to find a well polished sentence or a perfectly coherent image in it, what is printed […] The carp and the rabbit (french version on Opening of satelite of Pompidou Center, Metz, 11 may 2010. Guiheux-Migayrou and Guignol-Rambert walk arm in arm, flaunting their self-satisfaction. That’s not the least of the day’s paradoxes, but it’s especially intriguing: these two fake figureheads, each seemingly so unlike the other, exposing themselves […] Biennale 2010 / topic / “People meet in architecture” / Venice Biennale / 2010 / International pavillon / Arsenal / © R&Sie(n)
Components of after glowing as UV radiation sensor
Isobiot®ope Meeting someone […] (French version on Protocols & Process / Dialogue between R&Sie(n) and Caroline Naphegyi (check the blog on the research “architecture des Humeurs“)
In the case of “Architecture des Humeurs”, released two month ago at the Laboratoire, Paris, and opened until the 16th of May, could you describe how your studio is […] Mould (5 axes machine) + Master Weeping prototype The melancholy of a fragment weeping its own substances. As a protocol of life span he will slowly shrink on itself to become a flake, a “souvenir” of what he pretended to be. Without “raison d’être”, its non existence affected his physicality, reduced to tears […]
6 studios of Research in the pursuit of “I’ve heard about” experimentation will be presented at the next Biennale of Venice / Austrian Pavilion, curated by Eric Owen Moss The pursuit of (n)certainties biotopes
Several teaching course titled “Uncertainties” has been developed through 5 universities, in Master Class and Cross studio […]
Hypnosis chamber / Japan / […]
First prototype of Glass Component for the project “thebuildingwhichneverdies” / […] Towada / end of reassembling
A. Neimark / F. Roche / Los Angeles / december 2009 AN: Do you have a portrait to fit with this interview ? FR: NO. You asked if I had an portrait to go with the interview ! For fifteen years now, we censured our own portrait to represent R&Sie(n), we use an Avatar. This […] Towada /Japan / February 2010 Initiated by Le Laboratoire, 4 rue du Bouloi, 75001 Paris / 2009-2011 All documents on: blog/architecturedeshumeurs/ PDF Catalogue (english) / 2 mo AD (Architecture Design-text/pictures-10 pages) / 18 mo From January 22, 2010, the studio R&Sie(n) will render visible a project exploring new modes of architectural structuring and transaction: ‘’Architecture of Moods’’ Date : […]
Initiated by Le Laboratoire, 4 rue du Bouloi, 75001 Paris / 2009-2011 All documents on: blog/architecturedeshumeurs/ PDF Catalogue (english) / 2 mo AD (Architecture Design-text/pictures-10 pages) / 18 mo From January 22, 2010, the studio R&Sie(n) will render visible a project exploring new modes of architectural structuring and transaction: ‘’Architecture […] |
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