All pictures…. of completion…….

(see all picture
The barrier of Schengen was since a long time considered as a fortress. We did not remember exactly when this fence became for European citizen their own jail… inverting the preliminary reason of its constitution, to protect them against the world… Now it appears to be the revenge of an historical illusion.
Out of this lost empire, out of this fortress maintaining the nostalgia of their late loftiness, life mutated into another system of negotiation, where a few people with the alibi of democracy are no longer deciding, through a populist delegation of power, the destiny of the others.
We heard that a small zone within the zone, located in a sort of fortress within the fortress is still a territory where the last “European” took refuge…
The main actor, a kind of Robinson Crusoe will construct his own escape from inside, as a topological inversion… similar to Boccaccio’s Decameron, in 1348, where a few people were exorcising the inevitable plague of the black death by an extra-vitalism of story-telling, between eroticism and tragedy…
The architectural project and the fictional short movie will be done by 20 students and 7 authors. We will report this anomaly… through an infiltration in this zone next June… with a making-off as mocumentary…
The movie and the (LAByrinth) construction are working as a siamese co-production… from mythology to retro-future.

To optimize production and develop knowledge, we will work on:
. Research (material in situ expertise, know-how, political and cultural involvements, rituals, literature, mythology, extraction-transformation, symbiosis)
. Process – computation (logic of aggregation, scattering, staggering, stacking, with variable components, on Rhino Grasshopper and Python scripting)
. Material experiment – ceramics and glass blowing (prototyping, tests of resisting and decay, strategy of construction and destrcution, machinism and robotic developments)
. Report (photography, recordings and film / stop motion during all the process of construction)
The work days life will be balanced between computation and hands-on work in situ (local knowledge, memories and know-how knitted with global tooling, computation and machinism) as exogeneous-endogeneous apparatuses. We will do some excursion, for researches and film-making, to crafts villages around, ancient palaces (ceramics of Knossos) and mount Ida.
A machine will be designed dedicated to a non repetitive component which is able to be re-introduced as a non-standard process to create the geometry of a shell-ter (specific “agencements” and assemblage in the pursuit of the ceramic ornamentation of the Minos Castle, embedded in a computation procedure).

Terra Insola Delta Robot (real one with us in situ…)

Nozzle for clay

It is a delta robot derivation (see pictures attached) with a high degree of assembly-group-integration, down to the ball-bearing (all 3d-printed). The pieces are now in process of fabrication by robotic specialist Stephan Henrich – end effector, extruder and gripper (sketch attached), functional enough to do physical testings with clay, with will help develop the material manipulation strategy for our components, and to produce and test prototypes of our clay/ceramic components.
This machine will also be used for the movie – to shoot real footage of a robot – eventually combined, by tracking techniques, with computed images showing the device in movement, in multiplication, mutation, etc.
A team will work on the fictionalization of this one month experience, in a scenarized report, making-off… (20 mn)
And a fictional movie will be pitched, scenarized, shot and pre-edited, around the LAByrinth as a siamese production (20 mn) – read more on forking paths for scenario here
Conditions of production
The design of the construction, the scenario, shooting and pre-editing of the movie will be both done during this DIY-Movie workshop, as an adventure of simultaneous teaching-production process between all participants, as a sharing of knowledge, intentions and credits.
This project (design, process, researches, documentation, construction, etc.) will entirely emerge from the collaborative work of our group, as a unique and engaged realization.
Blurring the limits between students and instructors, we will define together a strategy of co-responsibility and co-authorship.
Course offered
Political and Critical Thinking (influences / mythologies / researches / documentaries)
Scripting – Rhino Grasshopper / computation meanings and protocols
Robotic logic / behavior-design
Film series – the Double (splitting identities)
-20 students selected on CV/portfolio from anywhere on the planet
Last year’s COMPUT/DIY….. Z’shellTER
Z’shellTeR blog / … Would Have Been My Last Complaint + making-off
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