Option Explicit
‘Script written by <suqi>
‘Script copyrighted by <suqi>
‘Script version 19:58:56
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim arrcircles
arrcircles = Rhino.getobjects(“pick all the circles”,4) ‘ declares arrcircles and prompts to pick the cirles in rhino
Dim arrattractors ‘ declares set of attractor points
arrattractors = Rhino.getobjects(“pick all the attractors”,1)
Dim p
For p = 0 To UBound(arrattractors)
arrattractors(p) = Rhino.pointcoordinates(arrattractors(p))
Dim i ‘ declares variable i
Dim center ‘ declares center
Dim arrcurve ‘ declares arrcurve
Dim arrpoint1
Dim arrpoint2 ‘ declares second point array
Dim arrpoint3 ‘ declares third point array
ReDim arrcurve(UBound(arrcircles))
For i = 0 To UBound (arrcircles) ‘ i equals anywhere from 0 to the amount of circles
Dim a ‘declare a to be a random number multiplied by 55
a = -10 + Rnd * 15
Dim c
c = Rnd*50
center = Rhino.CurveAreaCentroid (arrcircles(i)) ‘declares the center as the center of the circles defined as arrcircles
‘arrcurve(i) = Rhino.Addline(center(0),Rhino.pointadd(center(0),Array(0,0,-a))) ‘ arrcurve adds a line from a starting point at the center and the end point at a in the z axis
arrpoint1 = center(0)
arrpoint2 = Rhino.pointadd(center(0),Array(0,0,c))
arrpoint3 = Rhino.pointadd(arrpoint2,Array(a,a,c))
arrcurve(i)= Rhino.addcurve(Array(arrpoint1,arrpoint2,arrpoint3))
‘ arrcurve adds a curve from an array of points begininng at the center of the cicle then follows a stochastic trajectory
Next ‘script moves to next set
‘this portion generates a spiral from the curves
‘generated through the arrcircles
Dim j ‘declares return j
‘ bottom portion demonstrates function statement of i
For i = 0 To UBound (arrcircles) ‘ i equals anywhere from 0 to the amount of circles
Dim b ‘ delares the variable b
b = 20 + Rnd * 10 ‘ b is equal to a random number multiplied by 15 and added to 15
‘ If b < 5 Then ‘if b is less than 3 then b will equal 2
‘ b = 5
‘ End If ‘ closes function statement of i
Dim radius ‘ declares radius to be the radius of the arrcirclesselected for the value of i
‘ Dim k
‘ k = 15 + rnd * 10
‘ If k < 2 Then
‘ k = 2
‘ End If
radius = Rhino.CircleRadius(arrcircles(i))
Dim arrpoints ‘ declares arrpoints to divide the line a series of control points governed by the value of i
arrpoints = Rhino.dividecurve(arrcurve(i),CInt(b))
Dim startpoint ‘ declares startpoint (startpoint of a curve)
Dim arrsubcircles ‘ delares arrsubcircles
ReDim arrsubcircles(UBound(arrpoints)) ‘ declares that arrsubcircles is an array of the upper boundry of control points
Dim arrpt1 ‘declares first point array
Dim arrpt2 ‘ declares second point array
Dim arrpt3 ‘ declares third point array
ReDim arrpt1(UBound(arrpoints)) ‘ declares array of points to be placed on the divisions of the curve arrcurve(i)
ReDim arrpt2(UBound(arrpoints)) ‘ declares array of points to be placed on the divisions of the curve arrcurve(i)
ReDim arrpt3(UBound(arrpoints)) ‘ declares array of points to be placed on the divisions of the curve arrcurve(i)
‘ bottom portion demonstrates function statement of J
For j =0 To UBound(arrpoints) ‘ j is defined as the upper limit of the value of arrpoints
Dim strPoncurve
strPoncurve = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint(arrcurve(i), arrPoints(j)) ‘ declares strPoncurve and returns the closest point on the curve to arrcurve(i) and array pointsof j
Dim index,closeattractor, attdistance
index = Rhino.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrattractors,arrpoints(j))
closeattractor = arrattractors(index)
attdistance = Rhino.Distance(closeattractor,arrpoints(j))
Dim strframe
strframe = Rhino.Curveperpframe(arrcurve(i),strPoncurve) ‘ declares strframe and returns the perpendicular plane at a parameter of arrcurve i and strPoncurve
Dim tang
tang = Rhino.curvetangent(arrcurve(i), strPoncurve) ‘ delcares tang and defines it as a 3d vector that is tangent to the curve arrcurve
Dim t
t = 1+0.3*Rnd
‘set below creates the tube on which are placed by points
arrsubcircles(j) = Rhino.addcircle(strframe,attdistance*0.2)
arrsubcircles(j) = Rhino.RotateObject(arrsubcircles(j),arrpoints(j),25*j,tang) ‘ reorients the circles to the tanjent vector of the curve
arrpt1(j) = Rhino.curvestartpoint(arrsubcircles(j)) ‘ declares arrpt1 to be the start point at the value of j
Dim domain ‘ declares a domain
domain = Rhino.CurveDomain(arrsubcircles(j)) ‘ defines domain to return the domain of arrsubcircles with the value j
Dim domainlength ‘ declares domain length
domainlength = domain(1) – domain(0) ‘ domain length is equal to the subtraction of the domain arrays
Dim pt2para,pt3para ‘declares pt2para, pt3para
pt2para = domainlength/3 ‘ defines pt2para as the domainlength /3
pt3para = domainlength*2/3 ‘ defines pt2para as the (domainlength * 2)/3
arrpt2(j) = Rhino.EvaluateCurve(arrsubcircles(j),pt2para) ‘EVALUATES CURVE AT reoriented tangent vectors arrsubcircles(j) and the paramter of arrpt2 (arrpnt2para)
arrpt3(j) = Rhino.EvaluateCurve(arrsubcircles(j),pt3para) ‘EVALUATES CURVE AT reoriented tangent vectors arrsubcircles(j) and the paramter of arrpt3 (arrpnt3para)
‘set below reevaluates the curve for arrpoint1, adds a blackck curve into a layer called “spiral”
‘then reevaluates the curve for arrpoints 2 and 3 then deletes the excess curves arrsubcircles
‘then deletes the original straight line arrcurve
Dim interpcurve1
interpcurve1 = Rhino.AddInterpCurve (arrpt1)
Call Rhino.AddLayer(“spiral”,RGB(0,0,0))
Call Rhino.objectlayer(interpcurve1,”spiral”)
Dim interpcurve2
interpcurve2 = Rhino.AddInterpCurve (arrpt2)
Call Rhino.AddLayer(“spiral2″,RGB(0,0,0))
Call Rhino.objectlayer(interpcurve2,”spiral2”)
Dim interpcurve3
interpcurve3 = Rhino.AddInterpCurve (arrpt3)
Call Rhino.AddLayer(“spiral3″,RGB(0,0,0))
Call Rhino.objectlayer(interpcurve3,”spiral3”)
Call Rhino.deleteobjects(arrsubcircles)
Call Rhino.deleteobjects(arrcurve)
End Sub ‘ ends the script