[S/he would rather do FICTION MAKER]
_psycho temporels Symptoms_
-2050 / Bitterness
-Alice (I’ve heard About)
-Ephemeris / Cartographies schizo-analytiques
-S/he and the others
-Shadow Room [the virgin case]
10 – 111 _Ephemeris
_Here & Now
_Here & TO-morrow
_Elsewhere & Simultaneously
_Daily psycho-routine
10 – 111 _ Cartographies schizoanalytiques
10 _Paranoia-stase
11 _Parrhesia / Sociopathy / M.P.D.
100 _BachelorMachinism / Erotic processes
101 _mythomaniaS / Anthropo-technic strategy
110 _melancholiaS
111 _PROUDHON(ism) / bio-speculatifs protocols
11.1 _Solitude / Coitus Interruptus
1000 _S/he and the others
101.1 _mINDmACHINES…
- ——-Paranoiac situationism
- Heshootmedown
- Thebuildingwhichneverdies
- Aqua Alta 2.0
- Mosquitos bottleneck (Entomophobiea)
- Broomwitch (nyctophobie + Hypégiaphobie)
- Overflow (aquaphobia)
- ——-Daidalos syndrom
- Olzweg
- Loophole
- Ectoplasm
- Green Gorgon
- Spidernethewood
- ——-Phobia
- -Mysophobia / Automysophobia
- Dustyrelief
- Sedimentation
- Aspiration (aqua alta1.0)
- -Phobophobia / At your own risk
- Wireframe
- Asphaltspot
- CivicMimic
- -Hélio_dismorphobia / (Héliophobia)
- Unplug
- Ice inflatable (Héliophobia)
- -Bi-polar / Skyzophrenic / duplicities / Personality Desorder
- Symbiosis hood
- Shadow and Light
- Incision
- ——-Mimicry Psychaesthenia / Nostalgia
- Waterflux (souvenir of past nature)
- I m lost in Paris
- Contraction
- Furtive
- Extrusion
- Folding
- Smart Town
- ——-Mutualistic / Osmotic / Symbiotic /
- MMyst (mutualism / animal-human)
- Timidity symptom (allelopathy / trees-building)
- ——-EraSable/ death (strategy de disappearing / eros tanatos) / Inhibition
- Growing
- The things which necrose
- Shearing
- Mais..je te vois nue… !
- ——-Animist/Animatronic
- Terra Incognita
- Hybrid Muscle
- ——-Psychotropic
- The garden of earthly delight
- MI[PI]
- Altered State
- ——-Millenarist / Escathologist
- Lightwaves
- ——-Somnabulism / mesmerism / magnetism
- Hypnosis Room
- ——-Bio-politique / Speculation / Line of escape / Don Quichotisme
- An Architecture des Humeurs
- I’ve heard about
Parrhesia / Sociopathy / M.P.D.
- ____Athazagoraphobia
- ____Fregoli Syndromes
- ____Narcissistic ”Qui etes vous Francois Roche ?”
- ____Schizoid
- ____Chronophobia
- ____Epistemophobia
sOLITUDE / Coitus Interruptus
mythomaniac apparatuses / anthropotechnic strategies
- -Coulrophobie
- Ordinary day (film clown)
- -claustrophilic bulimia nervosa
- (beau)strosity
- -narcissistic personality disorder
- concrete[i]land
- -paraphrenia
- … Would Have Been My Last Complaint
- -Repression
- La Passe
- -instinctual incest
- The Offspring
- -pavlovian pheromonal trouble
- Altered State
- -animist resistance
- Feral Child (prelude)
- -paranoid identification
- ∑ d a y s
- -grandiose delusions
- -death drive
- | what could happen |
- -dissociative identity disorder
- Naχos (terra īnsōla)
- -erethism erotica mercurialis
- Timidity Symptom
- -hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome
- emet
- -choreomania
- Daemon in BKK
- -subimago stagnation
- Zeitgast
- -Metempsychosis
- Although (in) hapnea
- -In-stase-Ex_stase
- Ex-Timity
Bachelor Machinism / erotic processes
- -Catatonia
- -The Vagabon and the Machine (tourette syndrom)
- -Mmyst (zoophobia)
- -Noisy Poo (skyzophrenia)
- -Black Hole (noctophobia)
- -Shi
- -Liminal-Pyrodulia (pyromania)
- -La vie en Rose (Philagora)