(n)certainties – Die Angewandte – Fall 2008

Entries categorized as ‘Martin Kleindienst’


January 30, 2009 · Leave a Comment


Categories: Martin Kleindienst · Vladimir Ivanov · Vladimir&Martin


December 8, 2008 · Leave a Comment


Categories: Martin Kleindienst · Vladimir&Martin


November 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Categories: Martin Kleindienst


November 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Categories: Martin Kleindienst


October 18, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Scenario 1
Our everyday life is constantly monitored. This situation is increasing due to the paranoia of crime and terror.  Everybody’s public life is a twilight situation between anonymity and interception. This flow of information by monitoring is uncontrollable by us and one directional. By filtering this big amount of information and gathering the individual traces the machine can use this data to change the environment (to visualise the imaginary). Again the user reacts to the new environment so the process is in a permanent recursion. Finally the flow of information becomes multidirectional and visible.
Substances: not defined yet

Scenario 2
“Armed City”- huge amount of steel can be collected from old weapons or weapon arsenal especially in crisis regions. The machine is able to reassemble the steel to produce shelter. According to the location and size of the material it can be used directly or moved to another site for assembling.
Substances: all kind of metal alloy

Scenario 3
The abnormality in the structure caused by an earthquake is an interesting phenomenon. There is dismantled material, bended or folded landscapes and streets, calderas… The force causes transformation and mutation of the material at the same time. The machine should react to the discontinuity in the environment. Dismantled material is used to build new structure.
Substances: dismantled reinforced concrete

Categories: Martin Kleindienst


October 11, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Categories: Martin Kleindienst · RoboticExe01