go on NewT, on activeworlds.com
"ORGANIC", Beaubourg, 2000
Virtual scenography for the Public Library of Information, 50 VR helmets, Beaubourg, 1M$
Competition for the ETH university of Zurich, to create on Internet a link between several entities.
[Driftinspace and Immersion to
Immersion An immersion through virtual glasses, could be assimilated to NDE (near death experience), where the body is duplicated, disincarnated, between its mortal envelope, being twisted in chaotic and spasmophilic movements, and its virtual incarnation in the "skin" of the avatar. In this context, we work out this interface, not like the representation of a transposed body (the one of the witness), but like a body immersed in its own reality, acting on the nature of space (like the humanoids programmers in the film Tron). This avatar is a matrix into which the visitor slips. The study of the degree of autonomy between these two "beings" is actually in progress. Their reciprocal displacements cause a succession of distortions of the space and of swelling of the skin. The multiple dilations give access to the databank. To access to data, you must at first loose yourself in the space. Displacement in real time is assimilated thus to an engine of research (related to therandom-walk). Also, contextual menus give access to other systems of location in space. H-localism As much the work of the agency R&Sie... sticks in the real to connect architecture to a distortion of the cartography and the geography, as much New-Territories, in the virtual, is working with the geography of displacement. So, localism is a support of changes, produced on the corporeality of a territory, or through the mobility of avatars. In both cases, it is about hyper-localism, and not a reflection on the macro structure, " right here, right now " as sings Flat Boy Slim. This immediate implication, the simultaneity of appearances and perceptions thus allow us to escape from any mental or metaphorical projections on the global (whether it is real or virtual). It does act as a continuation of micro-actions, whose implication is coming from the analysis of a situation (situs analysis) in a world where stimuli only are the spatial marks. |