(n)certainties – Die Angewandte – Fall 2008















Option Explicit
‘Script written by <insert name>
‘Script copyrighted by <insert company name>
‘Script version 16 listopada 2008 16:02:02

Call Main()
Sub Main()
 Dim y,x
 Dim A, o
 Dim pi: pi=rhino.PI
 Dim aPtsR(50),aPtsL(50)

 For x=0 To 50
  A= RN(1,10)
  If y>0.1 Then
   aPtsR(x)= rhino.addpoint(array(x,y,0))
   rhino.objectlayer aPtsR(x), “Rfoot”
  End If
  If y<-0.1 Then

   aPtsL(x)= rhino.addpoint(array(x,y,0))
   rhino.objectlayer aPtsL(x), “Lfoot”
  End If

 ’rhino.AddPolyline aPtsR
 ’rhino.AddPolyline aPtsL
End Sub
Function RN(nMin, nMax)
 RN = (nMax – nMin) * Rnd + nMin
End Function

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