‘### AGRITECT version 4.5 : November 14, 2007
‘### Copyrighted Matthew R. Pauly, 2007, All rights reserved
‘### Script developed for (n)certainties studio
Option Explicit
Call Rhino.Print( ” __________________________ START OF SCRIPT ___________________________ ” )
Dim gYEAR, gRINGS, gPLOT_low, gPLOT_high, gPath_height, gPath_divisions, gDirection, gPath_r1, gPath_r2
Dim gCheck
‘######################################## GLOBAL PARAMETERS #############################################
gYEAR = 600 ’<— Global YEARS the system runs
gPLOT_high = 200 ’<— Yield, High (in bushels per acre)
gPLOT_low = 165 ’<— Yield, Low (in bushels per acre)
gPath_height = 8 ’<— Start floor to floor height (in meters)
gPath_r1 = 80 ’<— TEMPORARY seed inner radius(start)
gPath_r2 = 24 ’<— TEMPORARY seed thickness
gDirection = 1 ’<— TEMPROARY might change direction depending on seed, Not used
gPath_divisions = 20 ’<— Number of “chutes” and seeds
gCheck = gPath_r2 * 3 ’<— Distance to Leech
gRINGS = 7 ’<— Number of rings (3 PLOT, 4 INTERSTICE)
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(false)
Call Growth(gYEAR, gRINGS, gPLOT_high, gPLOT_low, gPath_r1, gPath_r2)
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(true)
Sub Growth(gYEAR, gRINGS, gPLOT_high, gPLOT_low, gPath_r1, gPath_r2)
Dim i, temp, lYEAR, gSEED, lSEED, lTheta, lPi, tTheta
Dim tArr_1(), tArr_2(), tArr_3(2), tYield_1(), tYield_2(), gSEED_start(1), tArr_4(1)
Dim gPLOT(), gPLOT_lYield(), gPLOT_gYield(), gSEED_chute, gSEED_check(), gSEED_surplus()
Dim gROBOT_max1, gROBOT_max2, gROBOT_min1, gROBOT_min2
lTheta = 0
lPi = Rhino.Pi()
‘———————————————- LOCAL VARIABLES —————————————–
gSEED = 0′gPath_divisions ‘<— TEMPORARY Number of seeds, should be lost offspring limit
gROBOT_max1 = gPath_r1 * 1.1 ’<— Maximum Radius from inner factory
gROBOT_max2 = gPath_r2 * 2.5 ’<— Maximum width the Robot can expand to
gROBOT_min1 = gPath_r1 *.95 ‘<— Minimum Radius from inner factory
gROBOT_min2 = gPath_r2 ‘* .5 ’<— Minimum Width of Robot
For lYEAR = 0 to gYEAR
Redim Preserve gPLOT(lYEAR)
Redim Preserve gPLOT_lYield(lYEAR)
Redim Preserve gPLOT_gYield(lYEAR)
Call func_gYIELD(gPLOT_gYield, gPLOT_low, gPLOT_high, lYEAR)
If lYEAR < (gPATH_divisions + 1) Then
lTheta = ((2*lPi)/gPath_divisions ) + lTheta
End If
tTheta = lTheta
For lSEED = 0 to gSEED
Redim Preserve tArr_1(lSEED)
Redim Preserve tYield_1(lSEED)
If lYEAR = 0 Then
gSEED_chute = 0
Redim Preserve gSEED_check(lSEED)
Redim Preserve gSEED_surplus(lSEED)
gSEED_check(lSEED) = 0
gSEED_surplus(lSEED) = 0
End If
gSEED_check(0) = gPath_divisions + 1
’—— Establish each seed’s starting point —–
If lYEAR < gPath_divisions Then
If lSEED = 0 Then
gSEED_start(0) = 0
gSEED_start(1) = 0
gSEED_start(0) = Cos( ((2*lPi)/gPath_divisions)*lSEED )*( (gPath_r1 + gPath_r2)*2.3 )
gSEED_start(1) = Sin( ((2*lPi)/gPath_divisions)*lSEED )*( (gPath_r1 + gPath_r2)*2.3 )
End If
For i = 1 to gPath_divisions
tARR_4(0) = tARR_4(0) + gPLOT(lYEAR-i)(lSEED)(0)(0)
tARR_4(1) = tARR_4(1) + gPLOT(lYEAR-i)(lSEED)(0)(1)
gSEED_start(0) = tARR_4(0)/gPath_divisions
gSEED_start(1) = tARR_4(1)/gPath_divisions
End If
If gSEED_check(lSEED) = 0 And gSEED_chute = lSEED And gPLOT_gYield(lYEAR) > ((gPLOT_high+gPLOT_low)/2) Then
gSEED_surplus(lSEED) = gSEED_surplus(lSEED) + gPLOT_gYield(lYEAR) – ((gPLOT_high+gPLOT_low)/2)
If gSEED_surplus(lSEED) > 120 Then ‘<— Critical Mass!!!!
gSEED_check(lSEED) = 1
End If
End If
Dim temp_Distance3, tHeight
temp_Distance3 = 0
For i = 0 to gRINGS
Redim Preserve tArr_2(i)
Redim Preserve tYield_2(i)
tArr_2(i) = tArr_3
Call func_YIELD(tYield_2, gPLOT_gYield, lYEAR, i) ’<— Assign local Yield
If gSEED_check(lSEED) = 0 Then
tArr_2(i) = array(gSEED_start(0), gSEED_start(1), 0) ‘<—- Point assignment for non-triggered seeds
Dim temp_Distance1, temp_Distance2, lPath_r1, lPath_r2
If lYEAR > gPath_divisions And gSEED_check(lSEED) > gPath_divisions Then ‘ALL LEVELS ABOVE FIRST
temp_Distance1 = Rhino.Distance(gPLOT(lYEAR – gPATH_divisions)(lSEED)(gRings), gPLOT(lYEAR – gPATH_divisions)(lSEED)(0))
temp_Distance2 = Rhino.Distance(array( gSEED_start(0), gSEED_start(1), gPLOT(lYEAR – gPATH_divisions)(lSEED)(gRINGS)(2) ), gPLOT(lYEAR – gPATH_divisions)(lSEED)(gRINGS))
lPath_r2 = temp_Distance1 * ( (gPLOT_gYield(lYEAR)-gPLOT_low/1.15)/((gPLOT_high + gPLOT_low)/2-gPLOT_low/1.15) )
lPath_r1 = temp_Distance2 * ( (gPLOT_gYield(lYEAR))/((gPLOT_high + gPLOT_low)/2) )
’—- LIMIT: Robot Radii —
If lPath_r2 > gROBOT_max2 Then lPath_r2 = gROBOT_max2 End If
If lPath_r1 > gROBOT_max1 Then lPath_r1 = gROBOT_max1 End If
If lPath_r2 < gROBOT_min2 Then lPath_r2 = gROBOT_min2 End If
If lPath_r1 < gROBOT_min1 Then lPath_r1 = gROBOT_min1 End If
’—- Z Location —-
tArr_2(i)(2) = gPath_height * ((gPLOT_gYield(lYEAR)-gPLOT_low/1.15)/(((gPLOT_high+gPLOT_low)/2)-gPLOT_low/1.15)) + gPLOT(lYEAR-gPath_divisions)(lSEED)(i)(2)
If i = gRINGS Then
Dim k
tArr_2(i)(2) = gPath_height * ((gPLOT_gYield(lYEAR-1)-gPLOT_low/1.15)/(((gPLOT_high+gPLOT_low)/2)-gPLOT_low/1.15)) + gPLOT(lYEAR-gPath_divisions)(lSEED)(i)(2)
tHeight = tArr_2(i)(2)-tArr_2(0)(2)
For k = 2 to gRings – 1 Step 2
tArr_2(k)(2) = tArr_2(0)(2) – tHeight*k/gRings
tArr_2(k-1)(2) = tArr_2(k)(2)
End If
’—- XY Location —-
If i = 0 Then ‘ Outer Point
lTheta = ( ((2*lPi)/gPath_divisions ) ) + tTheta
’lTheta = ( ((2*lPi)/gPath_divisions )*(tYield_2(i)/((gPLOT_high+gPLOT_low)/2)) ) + tTheta
tArr_2(i)(0) = (Cos(lTheta) * lPath_r2)+ (Cos(lTheta) * lPath_r1) + gSEED_start(0)
tArr_2(i)(1) = (Sin(lTheta) * lPath_r2)+ (Sin(lTheta) * lPath_r1)+ gSEED_start(1)
Call func_NEAR(gPLOT, tArr_2, lSEED, lYEAR, gCHECK, gPath_height) ‘<——-
lTheta = ( ((2*lPi)/gPath_divisions ) ) + tTheta
’lTheta = ( ((2*lPi)/gPath_divisions )*(tYield_2(i)/((gPLOT_high+gPLOT_low)/2)) ) + tTheta
If i = 1 Or i = 3 Or i = 5 Or i = 7 Then
temp_Distance3 = temp_Distance3 + ((lPath_r2 – gPath_r2)/4)
tArr_2(i)(0) = (Cos(lTheta) * (lPath_r2- temp_Distance3))+ (Cos(lTheta) * lPath_r1) + gSEED_start(0)
tArr_2(i)(1) = (Sin(lTheta) * (lPath_r2- temp_Distance3))+ (Sin(lTheta) * lPath_r1) + gSEED_start(1)
temp_Distance3 = temp_Distance3 + (gPath_r2/3)
tArr_2(i)(0) = (Cos(lTheta) * (lPath_r2- temp_Distance3))+ (Cos(lTheta) * lPath_r1) + gSEED_start(0)
tArr_2(i)(1) = (Sin(lTheta) * (lPath_r2- temp_Distance3))+ (Sin(lTheta) * lPath_r1) + gSEED_start(1)
End If
End If
’—- Z Location —-
If lYEAR = 0 Or gSEED_check(lSEED) = 1 Then ‘FIRST YEAR
tArr_2(i)(2)=(gPath_height/gPath_divisions) + gPLOT(lYEAR-1)(lSEED)(i)(2)
End If
’—- XY Location —-
If i = 1 Or i = 3 Or i = 5 Or i = 7 Then
tArr_2(i)(0) = tArr_2(i-1)(0)
tArr_2(i)(1) = tArr_2(i-1)(1)
tArr_2(i)(0) = ((Cos(lTheta) * ((gRings -i) /gRings) * gPath_r2)) + (Cos(lTheta) * gPath_r1) + gSEED_start(0)
tArr_2(i)(1) = ((Sin(lTheta) * ((gRings -i) /gRings) * gPath_r2)) + (Sin(lTheta) * gPath_r1) + gSEED_start(1)
End If
End If
End If
tArr_1(lSEED) = tArr_2 ’<— Assign “Ring Array” to Seed
tYield_1(lSEED) = tYield_2
If gSEED_check(lSEED) > 0 Then
gSEED_check(lSEED) = gSEED_check(lSEED) + 1
End If
gPLOT_lYield(lYEAR) = tYield_1
gPLOT(lYEAR) = tArr_1 ’<— Assign “Seed Array” to Year
’—- Adjust to next Chute —-
If gSEED_chute < gPath_divisions Then
gSEED_chute = gSEED_chute + 1
gSEED_chute = 0
End If
Call func_BUILD2(gPLOT, gRINGS, gPath_divisions, gYEAR)
End Sub
‘________________________________________ FUNCTION : BUILD 2 ____________________________________________
Function func_BUILD2(gPLOT, gRINGS, gPath_divisions, gYEAR)
Dim lYEAR, lSEED, i, n, tARRAY(), tCIRCLES, tPline, j, k, m, p, tStep
Dim arrPlane, sLofter()
arrPlane = Rhino.WorldXYPlane
lSEED = 0
‘———————– Rings ————————
For m = 1 to 3
p = 0
For n = 0 to gPATH_divisions
j = 0
If p = 0 Then
tStep = gPath_divisions
tStep = 0
End If
For i = 0 to (gYEAR-tStep) Step gPATH_divisions
If i+n <= gYEAR Then
Redim Preserve tARRAY(j)
tARRAY(j) = gPLOT(i+n)(lSEED)(m*2-1)
j = j + 1
End If
k = i
For i = k to 0 Step -gPATH_divisions
If i+n <= gYEAR Then
Redim Preserve tARRAY(j)
tARRAY(j) = gPLOT(i+n)(lSEED)(m*2)
j = j + 1
End If
Redim Preserve tARRAY(j)
tARRAY(j) = tARRAY(0)
Redim Preserve sLofter(p)
sLofter(p) = Rhino.AddPolyline (tARRAY)
p = p+1
Call Rhino.AddLoftSrf(sLofter)
End Function
‘________________________________________ FUNCTION : lYIELD ____________________________________________
Function func_YIELD(Yield, gPLOT_avg, lYEAR, i)
Yield(i) = ( gPLOT_avg(lYEAR) + Random( -0, 0) ) ‘ <— Local Yield
End Function
‘________________________________________ FUNCTION : gYIELD ____________________________________________
Function func_gYIELD(gPLOT_avg, gPLOT_low, gPLOT_high, lYEAR)
gPLOT_avg(lYEAR) = Random(gPLOT_low, gPLOT_high)
End Function
‘________________________________________ FUNCTION : RANDOM ____________________________________________
Function Random(low, up)
random = ((up – low)* Rnd()) + low ‘ *** take the difference of range
End Function
‘________________________________________ FUNCTION : NEAREST____________________________________________
Function func_NEAR(lPLOT, tPlot, lSEED, lYEAR, gCHECK, gPath_height)
Dim tYEAR, tSEED, dHOLD, dCHECK_z, dCHECK_xy, holdSEED, holdYEAR, tPoint
dHOLD = 10000000
For tYEAR = 0 to (uBound(lPLOT)-1)
For tSEED = 0 to uBound( lPLOT(tYEAR) )
If tSEED <> lSEED And lPLOT(tYEAR)(tSEED)(0)(2) > tPLOT(0)(2)Then
dCHECK_xy = Rhino.Distance( array(lPLOT(tYEAR)(tSEED)(0)(0), lPLOT(tYEAR)(tSEED)(0)(1), 0), array(tPLOT(0)(0), tPLOT(0)(1), 0) )
dCHECK_z = abs( lPLOT(tYEAR)(tSEED)(0)(2) – tPLOT(0)(2) )
If dCHECK_xy > 0 And dCHECK_xy < gCHECK And dCHECK_xy < dHOLD And dCHECK_z < (gPath_height * .5) Then
tPoint = lPLOT(tYEAR)(tSEED)(0)
holdSEED = tSEED
holdYEAR = tYEAR
End If
End If
If dHOLD < 10000000 Then
If dHOLD < (gCHECK * .33) Then
’ tPLOT(0) = tPoint
’ Call Rhino.AddCylinder(tPoint, tPLOT(0), 1 )
End If
End If
End Function
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071114_Agritect_v4.5 « (n)certainties // November 14, 2007 at 10:14 pm |
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