(n)certainties – Columbia – Fall 2008

Bound to the ground

October 8, 2008 · Leave a Comment

This is the original v.0.1 script. It will eventually crash if the original curve is very intricate (the curves created by the script will become shorter than the tolerance returning a “string required” error…

Anyway, here is the code:

Option Explicit

‘Script written by Ado

Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim arrStartPt()
ReDim Preserve arrStartPt(0)
arrStartPt(0) = Rhino.GetPoint (“select start point”)
Dim strCrv : strCrv = Rhino.GetObject (“select boundary curve”, 4)
Dim i, j, l, arrNewPt, strTempLn, arrCCX, arrNewTempPt, strNewLine, dblCrvLength
Dim dblAngle : dblAngle = 10
Dim k : k = 10
For j = 1 To 100
ReDim Preserve arrStartPt(j)
arrNewPt = Rhino.Polar (arrStartPt(j-1), k, 10000)
strTempLn = Rhino.addLine (arrStartPt(j-1),arrNewPt)
arrCCX = Rhino.CurveCurveIntersection (strTempLn, strCrv)
If arrCCX(i,0) = 1 Then
arrNewTempPt = arrCCX(0,1)
End If
Call Rhino.DeleteObject (strTempLn)
strNewLine = Rhino.AddLine (arrStartPt(j-1),arrNewTempPt)
dblCrvLength = Rhino.CurveLength (strNewLine)
k = k + (134 – dblCrvLength)
strNewLine = Rhino.ScaleObject (strNewLine,arrStartPt(j-1),array(0.9,0.9,0.9))
arrStartPt(j) = rhino.CurveEndPoint (strNewLine)
Dim arrNewStartPt()
For l = 0 To UBound(arrStartPt)
ReDim Preserve arrNewStartPt(l)
arrNewStartPt(l) = array(arrStartPt(l)(0),arrStartPt(l)(1),arrStartPt(l)(2)+(l*10))
Call Rhino.AddCurve (arrNewStartPt)
End Sub

Bound to the ground 1

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Adolfo Nadal

JM_Dripping Circles

October 7, 2008 · Leave a Comment


This early attempt tries to simulate dripping material from overhead. The drip point moves along a path–here a simple sine curve path. Layers are added on top of each drip point with circles of random radii to simulate different amounts of material.


Dripping Circles (Plan)

Dripping Circles (Plan)Dripping Circles (Perspective View)

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Joe McGrath


October 7, 2008 · Leave a Comment













In this process, at first a chunk of randomized points cloud was established.

Then the computer started analyzing every distance between each point in the cloud.

If the distance between two points is shorter than 100, a line is thus create.

By doing so, we can get a wild self-generating tube like structure.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Leuyu Chen

TN_3D CA! & The wall comes tumbling down

October 7, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Finally some initial 3D CA steps:











→ Leave a CommentCategories: Thad Nobuhara

JA_Aerogel Greenhouses v3

October 7, 2008 · Leave a Comment

→ Leave a CommentCategories: José Aragüez

spicule growth / subdivision

October 7, 2008 · Leave a Comment

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Matthew Lutz

October 7, 2008 · Leave a Comment

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Mariliis Lilover

glass dripping simulation 1006

October 6, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Redefined agents behavior. Added trajectory display for study.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Chi-Chen Yang


October 6, 2008 · Leave a Comment

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Thad Nobuhara · Uncategorized


October 6, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Each initial point represents one robot. They group themselves in packs of three and build a vault to the trio’s common center point . Then, each Robot picks a random point on their own previous contribution, finds different affiliates, and builds again. This only represents an ideal meta-path. A secondary path, iterated by each robot along their meta-path, will apply the material. Further, moments of failure, vault abandonment, and  rogue robots will be incorporated.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Mathew Staudt


October 6, 2008 · Leave a Comment

stacking studies + relationships

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Charles Valla

…a tree called…

October 6, 2008 · Leave a Comment

→ Leave a CommentCategories: David Ricardo Davila

Method of Recursive Growth by Aggregation

October 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment


The first spicule unit is cast and set into place.

//    {begin loop}   //


New spicules are continually being cast in 4 unit sizes. From this population of varying sizes, the next unit to be placed is chosen at random.


To find a location for the new piece, the spicules which have already been placed are measured for the largest available open vertex. If no open vertex is large enough to accommodate the new unit, then proceed to step 5.


The unit is transported and rotated into position so that 2 of its endpoints are in contact with 2 legs of an existing spicule. Due to the unequal angles of the unit (90/135/135), there are 2 possible rotational placements within any given vertex.

In addition, there are 2 possible methods for determining the location of the new endpoints along the existing legs. With Option 1 (4a) both endpoints of the new unit are placed at an equal distance from the vertex. In Option 2 (4b) one endpoint is placed at a random distance (B) from the vertex, and the other falls where it may (C) along the opposite leg.


If it is determined that the new unit exceeds the size of all available vertices, then the logic of placement is reversed. First, all endpoints are analyzed to find the furthest pair that will fit within the vertex of the new unit. These 2 points will necessarily be from 2 different spicules, which breaks the logic of subdividing and allows the system to grow in a new direction. The new spicule is placed so that these two endpoints are now inside of one of its angles, in contact with 2 of its legs.

//    {end loop}   //

//    {return to step 2}   //

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Matthew Lutz

JA_Aerogel Greenhouses v2

October 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment

→ Leave a CommentCategories: José Aragüez

glass dripping simulation 05

October 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Some other simulation with 9 machines working in different behaviors.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Chi-Chen Yang

glass dripping simulation 04

October 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment

9 agents stack up 3 intersected cube structures.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Chi-Chen Yang

glass dripping simulation 03

October 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Three agents(machines) stacking up a tube-like structure.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Chi-Chen Yang

glass dripping simulation 02

October 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Three agents(machines) working, tries to get near to each other and stack up.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Chi-Chen Yang

glass dripping simulation 01

October 3, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Three agents making glass drops by turn, each one put the tail on the head of the one behind it.
Each agent chase the agent in front of it and avoid the one behind it.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Chi-Chen Yang

JA_Aerogel Greenhouses v1

October 2, 2008 · Leave a Comment

→ Leave a CommentCategories: José Aragüez


October 2, 2008 · Leave a Comment

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TN_Bone Machines ‘r’ ROCK ACTION_081001

October 1, 2008 · Leave a Comment


Sugar Cubes (4x Module) (Glueless):


→ Leave a CommentCategories: Thad Nobuhara

Glass Dripping Model

October 1, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Model made with hot glue gun in order to experiment and simulate the dripping glass condition.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Chi-Chen Yang

Tire Cemetery + Trajectory 01

October 1, 2008 · Leave a Comment

The first step I took to define the scenario and the trajectory was to generate a script able to create several generations of torus at different heights and not only in horizontal planes. The script is also printing the center of each torus to draw a curve through this cloud of points as a first approach for a trajectory.





Then I decided to generate a “real” tire cemetry considering actual tire shapes to get their centers, radius and orientation to design a trajectory that collects them.

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Eduardo Mayoral
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October 1, 2008 · Leave a Comment

Robots Build  to each other to make vaults

It Breaks at a larger scale

→ Leave a CommentCategories: Mathew Staudt