(n)certainties – Columbia – Fall 2008

EM_Sphere Generation

This script is creating several generations of groups of spheres at different height:

Option Explicit
‘If it is working then scripted by Eduardo Mayoral
‘If Not scripted by anyone else

Call Spheres()

Sub Spheres()
 ’  Set Up Starting Position
 Dim arrPt1, intGenerations
 intGenerations = Rhino.GetInteger

 Call generate(arrPt1, intGenerations, 1)
End Sub

‘  Function to generate number of Spheres

Function generate(arrPt, intGenerations, intCurrentGen)
 If intCurrentGen < intGenerations Then
  Dim intSpheres, arrGenPt
  intSpheres = CInt(funcRnd(5,3)) 
  Rhino.Print intSpheres
  arrGenPt =  funcGeom(intSpheres,arrPt) 
  Call generate(arrGenPt, intGenerations, intCurrentGen+1)
 End If
End Function

‘  Function to control Distances between Spheres

Function funcGeom(intSpheres,arrPt)
 Dim i, strLine, dblAngle, arrEndPt, Lines
 Dim d1, d2
 d1 = funcRD (12,9)
 d2 = funcRD (40,30)
 dblAngle = 360/intSpheres

 For i = 0 To intSpheres

  If i <> intSpheres Then
   strLine = Rhino.AddLine(arrPt, array(arrPt(0),arrPt(1)+d2,arrPt(2)+2*d2))
   Call Rhino.RotateObject(strLine,arrPt,(i*dblAngle))
   arrEndPt = Rhino.CurveEndPoint(strLine)   
   Call Rhino.AddSphere(arrEndPt,funcRnd(15,3))
   strLine = Rhino.AddLine(arrPt, array(arrPt(0),arrPt(1)+d2,arrPt(2)+d1))   
   Call Rhino.RotateObject(strLine,arrPt,funcRnd(360,dblAngle))
   arrEndPt = Rhino.CurveEndPoint(strLine)
   funcGeom = arrEndPt
  End If
 Lines = Rhino.ObjectsByType(4)
 Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(Lines)
End Function

‘  Random Function for Distances and Radius

Function funcRnd(intMax,intMin)
 funcRnd = (intMax – intMin)+(rnd+intMin)
End Function

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