Option Explicit
‘Script written by <Matthew Lutz>
‘Script version Monday, October 06, 2008 11:47:41 PM
Dim triangleCrv, vertexPts, endpt1, endpt2, endpt0, newSpicule, gens, origPt, origPtCoord
Call SpiculeGenerator()
Sub SpiculeGenerator()
gens = Rhino.GetReal(“How many generations?”, 50)
origPt = Rhino.GetObject(“choose a starting point”, 1)
origPtCoord = Rhino.PointCoordinates (origPt)
‘This is just a quick bit to get the first three starting points (equilateral triangle)
endPt0 = Rhino.AddPoint (Array(origPtCoord(0), origPtCoord(1) + 7, origPtCoord(2)))
endPt1 = Rhino.RotateObject (endPt0, origPtCoord, 120.0, , True)
endPt2 = Rhino.RotateObject (endPt1, origPtCoord, 120.0, , True)
endPt0 = Rhino.PointCoordinates (endPt0)
endPt1 = Rhino.PointCoordinates (endPt1)
endPt2 = Rhino.PointCoordinates (endPt2)
Call RecursiveGrowth()
End Sub
Sub RecursiveGrowth()
Dim i, currentType, arrTypes, Rand, RadS, RadM, RadL, RadXL, arrAllSpicules()
Dim newEndPt0(), newEndPt1(), newEndPt2(), newEndPt3()
Dim sphereTest(), ptOnBaseLine1(), ptOnBaseLine2(), ptOnBaseLine3(), ptOnTopLine1(), j
Dim sphereCtrPt()
For i = 0 To gens
’set up the dynamic array to add another unit each time
ReDim Preserve arrAllSpicules(i)
If i<2 Then
arrAllSpicules(i) = AddNewSpicule(endPt0, endPt1, endPt2)
‘choose the current type – each holds a radius value
’type = (top leg, base leg) — There are 4 sizes of units to be placed
RadS = 1.75
RadM = 3.5
RadL = 5.25
RadXL = 7
arrTypes = Array(RadS, RadM, RadL, RadXL)
‘a random Function To Select the currentType from an Array of all 4 possible
Rand = Random(0,3)
currentType = arrTypes(Rand)
ReDim Preserve sphereTest(i)
sphereTest(i) = Rhino.AddSphere (arrAllSpicules(i-1)(1)(4), currentType)
ReDim Preserve ptOnBaseLine1(i)
ReDim Preserve newEndPt0(i)
ptOnBaseLine1(i) = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(arrAllSpicules(i-1)(0)(0), sphereTest(i))
If IsArray(ptOnBaseLine1(i)) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnBaseLine1(i)(0,1))
newEndPt0(i) = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPt0(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPt0(i))
Rhino.Print “Curve and surface do not intersect.”
newEndPt0(i) = Rhino.AddPoint (arrAllSpicules(i-1)(1)(4))
newEndPt0(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPt0(i))
End If
If currentType = 5.25 Then
ReDim Preserve ptOnBaseLine2(i)
ReDim Preserve newEndPt1(i)
ptOnBaseLine2(i) = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(arrAllSpicules(i-1)(0)(2), sphereTest(i))
If IsArray(ptOnBaseLine2(i)) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnBaseLine2(i)(0,1))
newEndPt1(i) = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPt1(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPt1(i))
Rhino.Print “Curve and surface do not intersect.”
newEndPt1(i) = Array(newEndPt0(i)(0), newEndPt0(i)(1), newEndPt0(i)(2)-7)
End If
ReDim Preserve ptOnBaseLine2(i)
ReDim Preserve newEndPt1(i)
ptOnBaseLine2(i) = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(arrAllSpicules(i-1)(0)(1), sphereTest(i))
If IsArray(ptOnBaseLine2(i)) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnBaseLine2(i)(0,1))
newEndPt1(i) = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPt1(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPt1(i))
Rhino.Print “Curve and surface do not intersect.”
newEndPt1(i) = Array(newEndPt0(i)(0), newEndPt0(i)(1), newEndPt0(i)(2)+7)
End If
End If
ReDim Preserve ptOnTopLine1(i)
ReDim Preserve newEndPt2(i)
ptOnTopLine1(i) = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(arrAllSpicules(i-1)(0)(3), sphereTest(i))
If IsArray(ptOnTopLine1(i)) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnTopLine1(i)(0,1))
newEndPt2(i) = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPt2(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPt2(i))
Rhino.Print “Curve and surface do not intersect.”
newEndPt2(i) = Array(newEndPt0(i)(0), newEndPt0(i)(1)+7, newEndPt0(i)(2))
End If
ReDim Preserve ptOnBaseLine3(i)
ReDim Preserve newEndPt3(i)
ptOnBaseLine3(i) = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(arrAllSpicules(i-1)(0)(2), sphereTest(i))
If IsArray(ptOnBaseLine3(i)) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnBaseLine3(i)(0,1))
newEndPt3(i) = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPt3(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPt3(i))
Rhino.Print “Curve and surface do not intersect.”
newEndPt3(i) = Array(newEndPt0(i)(0)+7, newEndPt0(i)(1), newEndPt0(i)(2))
End If
’ptOnBaseLine3 = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection (arrAllSpicules(i-1)(0)(2), sphereTest)
’newendPt1 = Rhino.AddPoint(ptOnBaseLine2(i,1))
arrAllSpicules(i) = AddNewSpicule(newEndPt0(i), newEndPt1(i), newEndPt2(i))
Rhino.DeleteObject (sphereTest(i))
End If
End Sub
‘random function
Function Random(min, max)
Random = Int((max – min) * Rnd + min)
End Function
””””” This is the function that gets called each time
””””” It takes 3 starting points as inputs
””””” This one seems to be working OK because it builds the first one fine…
Function AddNewSpicule(startPt0, startPt1, startPt2)
AddNewSpicule = Null
Dim centerPt, newCenterPt, topCenterPt, strLabel
Dim baseLine1, baseLine2, baseLine3, baseLine4Top, dblRadius, crvNormal
Dim triangle, offTriangle, offTriangle2
Dim strCircle, CirclePlane, offCirclePlane1, offCirclePlane2, offCircleCurve1, offCircleCurve2
strCircle = Rhino.AddCircle3Pt (startPt0, startPt1, startPt2)
centerPt = Rhino.CircleCenterPoint (strCircle)
CirclePlane = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf (Array(strCircle))
crvNormal = Rhino.CurveNormal(strCircle)
dblRadius = Rhino.CircleRadius (strCircle)
offCirclePlane1 = Rhino.OffsetSurface(CirclePlane(0), dblRadius * 0.707)
newCenterPt = Rhino.SurfaceAreaCentroid(offCirclePlane1)
’strLabel = Rhino.AddTextDot (Rhino.Pt2Str(newCenterPt(0)), newCenterPt(0))
offCirclePlane2 = Rhino.OffsetSurface(offCirclePlane1, dblRadius * 2)
topCenterPt = Rhino.SurfaceAreaCentroid(offCirclePlane2)
’ draw 3 new base lines and one top line
baseLine1 = Rhino.AddLine(startPt0, newCenterPt(0))
baseLine2 = Rhino.AddLine(startPt1, newCenterPt(0))
baseLine3 = Rhino.AddLine(startPt2, newCenterPt(0))
baseLine4Top = Rhino.AddLine(newCenterPt(0), topCenterPt(0))
Dim arrSpiculeLines, arrSpiculePoints, arrSpiculeVectors
Rhino.DeleteObject strCircle
Rhino.DeleteObject CirclePlane(0)
Rhino.DeleteObject offCirclePlane1
Rhino.DeleteObject offCirclePlane2
”’make the pipes
Rhino.SelectObject baseLine1
Rhino.Command(“Pipe .25 .25 _enter”)
Rhino.SelectObject baseLine2
Rhino.Command(“Pipe .25 .25 _enter”)
Rhino.SelectObject baseLine3
Rhino.Command(“Pipe .25 .25 _enter”)
Rhino.SelectObject baseLine4Top
Rhino.Command(“Pipe .25 .25 _enter”)
‘now it collects all the info generated into an array that we can refer to
arrSpiculeLines = Array(baseLine1, baseLine2, baseLine3, baseLine4Top)
arrSpiculePoints = Array(startPt0, startPt1, startPt2, centerPt, newCenterPt(0), topCenterPt(0))
arrSpiculeVectors = Array(crvNormal, dblRadius)
AddNewSpicule = Array(arrSpiculeLines, arrSpiculePoints, arrSpiculeVectors)
’ whatever it returns should have all the info you need to place the next one(within nested array)…
End Function
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