*Takes 2 pieces of starting geometry (meshes, etc.) each with 3 starting points…
Option Explicit
‘Script written by <Matthew Lutz>
‘Script version Monday, October 06, 2008 11:47:41 PM
Dim endpt1, endpt2, endpt0, gens, origPt, origPtCoord, objArr, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm
Dim attractorPt, scaleFact, testSphere1, testSphere2, testSphere3
Call SpiculeGenerator()
Sub SpiculeGenerator()
Dim arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, RefPt1Lg, RefPt2Lg, RefPt3Lg, RefPt1Sm, RefPt2Sm, RefPt3Sm
Rhino.EnableRedraw False
gens = Rhino.GetReal(“How many generations?”, 50)
origPt = Rhino.GetObject(“choose a starting point”, 1)
attractorPt = Rhino.GetObject(“choose an attractor point”, 1)
scaleFact = Rhino.GetReal(“Unit scale factor?”, 1)
testSphere1 = Rhino.GetObject(“choose the first sphere”,
testSphere2 = Rhino.GetObject(“choose the second sphere”,
testSphere3 = Rhino.GetObject(“choose the third sphere”,
origSpiculeLg = Rhino.GetObject(“choose starting geometry”, 32)
RefPt1Lg = Rhino.GetObject(“choose first Ref Point”, 1)
RefPt2Lg = Rhino.GetObject(“choose second Ref Point”, 1)
RefPt3Lg = Rhino.GetObject(“choose third Ref Point”, 1)
origPtCoord = Rhino.PointCoordinates (origPt)
attractorPt = Rhino.PointCoordinates (attractorPt)
RefPt1Lg = Rhino.PointCoordinates (RefPt1Lg)
RefPt2Lg = Rhino.PointCoordinates (RefPt2Lg)
RefPt3Lg = Rhino.PointCoordinates (RefPt3Lg)
arrReferenceLg = Array(RefPt1Lg, RefPt2Lg, RefPt3Lg)
origSpiculeSm = Rhino.GetObject(“choose small starting geometry”, 32)
RefPt1Sm = Rhino.GetObject(“choose first Small Ref Point”, 1)
RefPt2Sm = Rhino.GetObject(“choose second Small Ref Point”, 1)
RefPt3Sm = Rhino.GetObject(“choose third Small Ref Point”, 1)
RefPt1Sm = Rhino.PointCoordinates (RefPt1Sm)
RefPt2Sm = Rhino.PointCoordinates (RefPt2Sm)
RefPt3Sm = Rhino.PointCoordinates (RefPt3Sm)
arrReferenceSm = Array(RefPt1Sm, RefPt2Sm, RefPt3Sm)
endPt0 = Rhino.AddPoint (Array(origPtCoord(0), origPtCoord(1) + (scaleFact * 1.5), origPtCoord(2)))
endPt1 = Rhino.RotateObject (endPt0, origPtCoord, 120.0, , True)
endPt2 = Rhino.RotateObject (endPt1, origPtCoord, 120.0, , True)
endPt0 = Rhino.PointCoordinates (endPt0)
endPt1 = Rhino.PointCoordinates (endPt1)
endPt2 = Rhino.PointCoordinates (endPt2)
Call Rhino.AddLayer (“spicules”)
Call Rhino.AddLayer (“lines”)
Call Rhino.AddLayer (“points”)
Call Rhino.AddLayer (“circles”)
Call Rhino.AddLayer (“spheres”)
Call Rhino.AddLayer (“trajectory1″)
Call Rhino.AddLayer (“trajectory2″)
Call Rhino.AddLayer (“trajectory3″)
objArr = AddNewSpicule(endPt0, endPt1, endPt2, 0, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
Call RecursiveGrowth(objArr, gens, origPtCoord, attractorPt, scaleFact, testSphere1, testSphere2, testSphere3, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
End Sub
Function RecursiveGrowth(objArr, gens, origPtCoord, attractorPt, scaleFact, testSphere1, testSphere2, testSphere3, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
Dim i, currentType1, currentType2, currentType3, arrTypes, Rand1, Rand2, Rand3, RadS, RadSM, RadM, RadML, RadL, RadXL
Dim newEndPt0(), newEndPt1(), newEndPt2(), newEndPt3()
Dim sphereTest1(), sphereTest2(), sphereTest3()
Dim sphereColor1(), sphereColor2(), sphereColor3()
Dim sphereCtrPt(), trajLine1a, trajLine2a, trajLine3a, trajLine1b, trajLine2b, trajLine3b, trajLine1c, trajLine2c, trajLine3c,trajLine1d, trajLine2d, trajLine3d, trajLine1e, trajLine2e, trajLine3e
Dim sphereObj1(), sphereObj2(), sphereObj3()
Dim objArr1(), objArr2(), objArr3(), labelSphere1, labelSphere2, labelSphere3
Dim startPts1(), startPts2(), startPts3(), craneLine1, craneLine2, craneLine3, testPt1, testPt2, testPt3
For i = 1 To gens
ReDim Preserve objArr1(i)
ReDim Preserve objArr2(i)
ReDim Preserve objArr3(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereTest1(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereTest2(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereTest3(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereColor1(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereColor2(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereColor3(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereObj1(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereObj2(i)
ReDim Preserve sphereObj3(i)
ReDim Preserve startPts1(i)
ReDim Preserve startPts2(i)
ReDim Preserve startPts3(i)
If i<2 Then
objArr1(i) = AddNewSpicule(endPt0, endPt1, endPt2, i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
objArr2(i) = AddNewSpicule(endPt0, endPt1, endPt2, i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
objArr3(i) = AddNewSpicule(endPt0, endPt1, endPt2, i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
RadS = scaleFact * .66
RadSM = scaleFact * 1
RadM = scaleFact * 1
RadML = scaleFact * .66
RadL = scaleFact * 1
RadXL = scaleFact * .66
arrTypes = Array(RadS, RadSM, RadM, RadML, RadL, RadXL)
Rand1 = Random(2,5)
currentType1 = arrTypes(Rand1)
sphereTest1(i) = Rhino.AddSphere (objArr1(i-1)(1)(4), currentType1)
’sphereColor1(i) = Rhino.AddSphere (objArr1(i-1)(1)(4), currentType1*.25)
‘Call Rhino.ObjectColor (sphereColor1(i), RGB(200, 20+(i*3), 64))
startPts1(i) = SphereIntersect(objArr1(i-1), sphereTest1(i))
objArr1(i) = ClosestSpicule(startPts1(i), attractorPt, i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
If Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere1, objArr1(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr1(i) = objArr1(i-2)
ElseIf Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere2, objArr1(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr1(i) = objArr1(i-2)
ElseIf Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere3, objArr1(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr1(i) = objArr1(i-2)
End If
Rand2 = Random(0,3)
currentType2 = arrTypes(Rand2)
sphereTest2(i) = Rhino.AddSphere (objArr2(i-1)(1)(4), currentType2)
’sphereColor2(i) = Rhino.AddSphere (objArr2(i-1)(1)(4), currentType2*.25)
‘Call Rhino.ObjectColor (sphereColor2(i), RGB(209, 4.25*i, 64))
startPts2(i) = SphereIntersect(objArr2(i-1), sphereTest2(i))
objArr2(i) = ClosestSpicule(startPts2(i), attractorPt, i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
If Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere1, objArr2(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr2(i) = objArr2(i-2)
ElseIf Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere2, objArr2(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr2(i) = objArr2(i-2)
ElseIf Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere3, objArr2(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr2(i) = objArr2(i-2)
End If
Rand3 = Random(0,5)
currentType3 = arrTypes(Rand3)
sphereTest3(i) = Rhino.AddSphere (objArr3(i-1)(1)(4), currentType3)
’sphereColor3(i) = Rhino.AddSphere (objArr3(i-1)(1)(4), currentType3*.25)
‘Call Rhino.ObjectColor (sphereColor3(i), RGB(209, 2.5*i, 64))
startPts3(i) = SphereIntersect(objArr3(i-1), sphereTest3(i))
objArr3(i) = ClosestSpicule(startPts3(i), attractorPt, i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
If Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere1, objArr3(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr3(i) = objArr3(i-2)
ElseIf Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere2, objArr3(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr3(i) = objArr3(i-2)
ElseIf Rhino.IsPointInSurface (testSphere3, objArr3(i)(1)(4)) Then
objArr3(i) = objArr3(i-2)
End If
Rhino.DeleteObject (sphereTest1(i))
Rhino.DeleteObject (sphereTest2(i))
Rhino.DeleteObject (sphereTest3(i))
trajLine1a = Rhino.AddLine (objArr1(i)(1)(4), objArr1(i-1)(1)(4))
‘ trajLine1b = Rhino.AddLine (objArr1(i)(1)(0), objArr1(i-1)(1)(0))
‘ trajLine1c = Rhino.AddLine (objArr1(i)(1)(1), objArr1(i-1)(1)(1))
‘ trajLine1d = Rhino.AddLine (objArr1(i)(1)(2), objArr1(i-1)(1)(2))
‘ trajLine1e = Rhino.AddLine (objArr1(i)(1)(5), objArr1(i-1)(1)(5))
‘craneLine1 = Rhino.AddLine (objArr1(i)(1)(4), cranePt)
‘testPt1 = Call Rhino.AddPoint (objArr1(i)(1)(3)(0), objArr1(i)(1)(3)((1)+3), objArr1(i)(1)(3)(2))
‘Call Rhino.AddLine (objArr1(i)(1)(4), testPt1)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (trajLine1a, “trajectory1″)
trajLine2a = Rhino.AddLine (objArr2(i)(1)(4), objArr2(i-1)(1)(4))
‘ trajLine2b = Rhino.AddLine (objArr2(i)(1)(0), objArr2(i-1)(1)(0))
‘ trajLine2c = Rhino.AddLine (objArr2(i)(1)(1), objArr2(i-1)(1)(1))
‘ trajLine2d = Rhino.AddLine (objArr2(i)(1)(2), objArr2(i-1)(1)(2))
‘ trajLine2e = Rhino.AddLine (objArr2(i)(1)(5), objArr2(i-1)(1)(5))
‘craneLine2 = Rhino.AddLine (objArr2(i)(1)(4), cranePt)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (trajLine2a, “trajectory2″)
trajLine3a = Rhino.AddLine (objArr3(i)(1)(4), objArr3(i-1)(1)(4))
‘ trajLine3b = Rhino.AddLine (objArr3(i)(1)(0), objArr3(i-1)(1)(0))
‘ trajLine3c = Rhino.AddLine (objArr3(i)(1)(1), objArr3(i-1)(1)(1))
‘ trajLine3d = Rhino.AddLine (objArr3(i)(1)(2), objArr3(i-1)(1)(2))
‘ trajLine3e = Rhino.AddLine (objArr3(i)(1)(5), objArr3(i-1)(1)(5))
‘craneLine3 = Rhino.AddLine (objArr3(i)(1)(4), cranePt)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (trajLine3a, “trajectory3″)
End If
Rhino.EnableRedraw True
End Function
Function ClosestSpicule(startPts, attractorPt, i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
Dim TestSpicule1, TestSpicule2, TestSpicule3, AllTestArr, RandArr
Dim ClosestDist, ClosestDist1, ClosestDist2, ClosestDist3
Dim RandTest
TestSpicule1 = AddNewSpicule(startPts(0), startPts(1), startPts(3), i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
TestSpicule2 = AddNewSpicule(startPts(2), startPts(0), startPts(3), i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
TestSpicule3 = AddNewSpicule(startPts(1), startPts(2), startPts(3), i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
If i Mod 4 = 0 Then
RandTest = Random(0,2)
If RandTest = 0 Then
ClosestSpicule = TestSpicule1
ElseIf RandTest = 1 Then
ClosestSpicule = TestSpicule2
ElseIf RandTest = 2 Then
ClosestSpicule = TestSpicule3
End If
Else If i Mod 5 = 0 Then
ClosestSpicule = TestSpicule3
ElseIf i Mod 6 = 0 Then
ClosestSpicule = TestSpicule2
ClosestDist1 = Rhino.Distance(TestSpicule1(1)(5), attractorPt)
ClosestDist2 = Rhino.Distance(TestSpicule2(1)(5), attractorPt)
ClosestDist3 = Rhino.Distance(TestSpicule3(1)(5), attractorPt)
If ClosestDist1 < ClosestDist2 Then
ClosestDist = ClosestDist1
ClosestDist = ClosestDist2
End If
If ClosestDist > ClosestDist3 Then
ClosestDist = ClosestDist3
End If
If ClosestDist = ClosestDist1 Then
ClosestSpicule = TestSpicule1
ElseIf ClosestDist = ClosestDist2 Then
ClosestSpicule = TestSpicule2
ElseIf ClosestDist = ClosestDist3 Then
ClosestSpicule = TestSpicule3
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Function SphereIntersect(objArr, sphereTest)
Dim ptOnBaseLineA, ptOnBaseLineB, ptOnBaseLineC, ptOnTopLine
Dim newEndPtA, newEndPtB, newEndPtC, newEndPtTop
ptOnBaseLineA = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(objArr(0)(2), sphereTest)
If IsArray(ptOnBaseLineA) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnBaseLineA(0,1))
newEndPtA = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPtA = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPtA)
newEndPtA = Rhino.AddPoint (objArr(1)(1))
newEndPtA = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPtA)
End If
ptOnBaseLineB = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(objArr(0)(0), sphereTest)
If IsArray(ptOnBaseLineB) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnBaseLineB(0,1))
newEndPtB = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPtB = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPtB)
newEndPtB = Rhino.AddPoint (objArr(1)(2))
newEndPtB = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPtB)
End If
ptOnBaseLineC = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(objArr(0)(1), sphereTest)
If IsArray(ptOnBaseLineC) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnBaseLineC(0,1))
newEndPtC = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPtC = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPtC)
newEndPtC = Rhino.AddPoint (objArr(1)(0))
newEndPtC = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPtC)
End If
ptOnTopLine = Rhino.CurveSurfaceIntersection(objArr(0)(3), sphereTest)
If IsArray(ptOnTopLine) Then
Call Rhino.AddPoint (ptOnTopLine(0,1))
newEndPtTop = Rhino.FirstObject
newEndPtTop = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPtTop)
newEndPtTop = Rhino.AddPoint (objArr(1)(5))
newEndPtTop = Rhino.PointCoordinates (newEndPtTop)
End If
SphereIntersect = Array(newEndPtA, newEndPtB, newEndPtC, newEndPtTop)
End Function
Function Random(min, max)
Random = Int((max – min) * Rnd + min)
End Function
Function AddNewSpicule(startPt0, startPt1, startPt2, i, arrReferenceLg, arrReferenceSm, origSpiculeLg, origSpiculeSm)
‘AddNewSpicule = Null
Dim centerPt, newCenterPt, topCenterPt, strLabel
Dim baseLine1, baseLine2, baseLine3, baseLine4Top, dblRadius, crvNormal
Dim triangle, offTriangle, offTriangle2
Dim strCircle, CirclePlane, offCirclePlane1, offCirclePlane2, offCircleCurve1, offCircleCurve2
Dim arrPlane1, arrPlane2, arrPlane3, arrPlane4Top, newCirc1, newCirc2, newCirc3, newCirc4Top, pipeSurf1, pipeSurf2, pipeSurf3, pipeSurf4Top
Dim baseLine1Ext, baseLine2Ext, baseLine3Ext, baseLine4ExtTop, ExtPt1, ExtPt2, ExtPt3, ExtPt4, arrTarget
Dim strPiece
strCircle = Rhino.AddCircle3Pt (startPt0, startPt1, startPt2)
centerPt = Rhino.CircleCenterPoint (strCircle)
CirclePlane = Rhino.AddPlanarSrf (Array(strCircle))
crvNormal = Rhino.CurveNormal(strCircle)
dblRadius = Rhino.CircleRadius (strCircle)
offCirclePlane1 = Rhino.OffsetSurface(CirclePlane(0), dblRadius * 0.707)
newCenterPt = Rhino.SurfaceAreaCentroid(offCirclePlane1)
offCirclePlane2 = Rhino.OffsetSurface(offCirclePlane1, dblRadius * 1.25)
topCenterPt = Rhino.SurfaceAreaCentroid(offCirclePlane2)
baseLine1 = Rhino.AddLine(newCenterPt(0), startPt0)
baseLine1Ext = Rhino.ExtendCurveLength (baseLine1, 0, 1, dblRadius * .45)
ExtPt1 = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (baseLine1Ext)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (baseLine1, “lines”)
‘Call Rhino.ObjectColor (baseLine1, RGB(209, 2.5*i, 64))
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (baseLine1, RGB(0,0, 150))
baseLine2 = Rhino.AddLine(newCenterPt(0), startPt1)
baseLine2Ext = Rhino.ExtendCurveLength (baseLine2, 0, 1, dblRadius * .45)
ExtPt2 = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (baseLine2Ext)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (baseLine2, “lines”)
‘Call Rhino.ObjectColor (baseLine2, RGB(200, 20+(i*3), 64))
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (baseLine2, RGB(0,150, 0))
baseLine3 = Rhino.AddLine(newCenterPt(0), startPt2)
baseLine3Ext = Rhino.ExtendCurveLength (baseLine3, 0, 1, dblRadius * .45)
ExtPt3 = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (baseLine3Ext)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (baseLine3, “lines”)
‘Call Rhino.ObjectColor (baseLine3, RGB(150, 20+(i*2), 64))
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (baseLine3, RGB(150,0, 0))
baseLine4Top = Rhino.AddLine(newCenterPt(0), topCenterPt(0))
baseLine4ExtTop = Rhino.ExtendCurveLength (baseLine4Top, 0, 1, dblRadius * .45)
ExtPt4 = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (baseLine4ExtTop)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (baseLine4Top, “lines”)
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (baseLine4Top, RGB(175, i*4, 64))
Dim arrSpiculeLines, arrSpiculePoints, arrSpiculeVectors
If i > 4 Then
‘ startPt0 = Rhino.pt2str(startPt0)
‘ startPt1 = Rhino.pt2str(startPt1)
‘ startPt2 = Rhino.pt2str(startPt2)
arrTarget = Array(ExtPt2, ExtPt3, ExtPt4)
‘Call Rhino.Print (startPt0)
Call Rhino.Print (dblRadius)
If dblRadius > .8 Then
’strPiece = Rhino.pt2str(arrReference(0))
‘Call Rhino.Print (strPiece)
strPiece = Rhino.OrientObject (origSpiculeLg, arrReferenceLg, arrTarget, 1)
strPiece = Rhino.OrientObject (origSpiculeSm, arrReferenceSm, arrTarget, 1)
End If
‘Call Rhino.OrientObject (origSpicule, arrReference, arrTarget, 1)
End If
Rhino.DeleteObject strCircle
Rhino.DeleteObject CirclePlane(0)
Rhino.DeleteObject offCirclePlane1
Rhino.DeleteObject offCirclePlane2
‘arrSpiculeLines = Array(baseLine1Ext, baseLine2Ext, baseLine3Ext, baseLine4ExtTop)
arrSpiculeLines = Array(baseLine1, baseLine2, baseLine3, baseLine4Top)
arrSpiculePoints = Array(startPt0, startPt1, startPt2, centerPt, newCenterPt(0), topCenterPt(0))
arrSpiculeVectors = Array(crvNormal, dblRadius)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (strCircle, “circles”)
AddNewSpicule = Array(arrSpiculeLines, arrSpiculePoints, arrSpiculeVectors)
End Function
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