Option Explicit
‘Script written by <Adolfo Nadal, Gwen MacFarland, Koko Takahashi and Jay Shah>
‘Script version Sunday, July 20, 2008 10:40:30 AM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim i,j,k,w,q,g,t,s,p,pt,x,div, a,b,c,e, o, curve,f
Dim u,v,n
Dim arrPoint
Dim start, bFlip
Dim arrstrSrf : arrstrSrf = Rhino.GetObjects (“Select a host surfs”,8)
Dim StreamCrvs : StreamCrvs = Rhino.GetObjects (“Select Robot Paths”,4)
Dim intU : intU = Rhino.GetReal(“U divisions”,64,1,120)
Dim intV : intV = Rhino.GetReal(“V divisions”,48,1,240)
Dim strSrf
Dim strDelete : strDelete = “No”
Dim oops,d2,closestpt
Dim UDomain
Dim VDomain
Dim UStep
Dim VStep
Dim pts(), pts2()
ReDim arrFrame(intU,intV)
ReDim arrPts(intU,intV)
Dim arrPt, Strokes()
Dim pta,ptb,ptc,ptd,pte,ptf,ptg,pth,cnt,abc,d,NormalVect,line,line2, vect
Dim MovinABC1(),MovinABC2(),curves()
Dim WorldPlane, NorthVect, Angle, ZenithVect, AxisVect
Dim Spandrel1, Spandrel2, IsoParms, MasterUDomain,fnA,stp, stp2, stp3
Dim div2,div3,line3,r
Dim PapaTrack(), TrackAss(),Trackcnt, BackTrack(),vectcnt, movpt, Scootvect, Trackparm, SideTrack()
Dim pt0,pt1
Dim newpts(),amypt, FlatMIdpt
For p =0 To ubound (arrstrSrf)
Rhino.AddLayer “lines”&p
Rhino.CurrentLayer “lines”&p
Rhino.EnableRedraw (False)
strSrf = arrstrSrf(p)
IsoParms = Find_isocurves(StreamCrvs,strSrf)
MasterUDomain = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(strSrf, 0)
UDomain = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(strSrf, 0)
VDomain = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(strSrf, 1)
MasterUDomain(0)= MasterUDomain(0)+0.0001
MasterUDomain(1)= MasterUDomain(1)-0.0001
’MAke Track
For a=0 To 2
ReDim Preserve PapaTrack (a)
ReDim Preserve TrackAss (a)
PapaTrack(a)= Rhino.ExtractIsoCurve (strSrf,IsoParms(a),1)
TrackAss(a) = Rhino.CurveStartPoint (PapaTrack(a)(0))
Rhino.AddPoint TrackAss(a)
Trackcnt = FindCenter(TrackAss)
For a=0 To 2
ReDim Preserve BackTrack(a)
vectcnt = Rhino.VectorCreate (Trackcnt,TrackAss(a))
vectcnt = Rhino.VectorUnitize (vectcnt)
vectcnt = Rhino.VectorScale (vectcnt, 1.3)
movpt = Rhino.PointAdd (TrackAss(a), vectcnt)
BackTrack(a) = movpt
’Rhino.ObjectColor BackTrack(a),10
’BackTrack(a) = Rhino.MoveObject (BackTrack(a),TrackAss(a),movpt)
For b=0 To 2
If a<>b Then
For c=0 To 2
If c<>a And c<>b Then
ReDim Preserve SideTrack(e)
Scootvect = Rhino.VectorCreate (TrackAss(b),TrackAss(c))
Scootvect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (Scootvect)
Scootvect = Rhino.VectorScale (Scootvect,1)
movpt= Rhino.PointAdd (TrackAss(a),Scootvect)
SideTrack(e) = movpt
End If
End If
Rhino.AddPoint SideTrack(0)
’Rhino.AddPoint SideTrack(1)
’Rhino.AddPoint BackTrack(a)
vect= Rhino.VectorCreate (BackTrack(a),SideTrack(0))
vect= Rhino.VectorScale (vect,0.5)
pt0= Rhino.PointAdd (SideTrack(0),vect)
vect= Rhino.VectorCreate (BackTrack(a),SideTrack(1))
vect= Rhino.VectorScale (vect,0.5)
pt1 = Rhino.PointAdd (SideTrack(1),vect)
Rhino.AddPoint pt0
vect= Rhino.VectorCreate (pt1,SideTrack(0))
vect= Rhino.VectorScale (vect,0.7)
pt1=Rhino.PointAdd (pt1,vect)
vect= Rhino.VectorCreate (pt0,SideTrack(1))
vect= Rhino.VectorScale (vect,0.7)
pt0=Rhino.PointAdd (pt0,vect)
Rhino.AddPoint pt0
curve = Rhino.AddInterpCurve (array(SideTrack(0),pt0,BackTrack(a),pt1,SideTrack(1)))
div = Rhino.DivideCurve(curve, 9)
For o=0 To Ubound (div)
Rhino.CopyObject PapaTrack(a)(0),TrackAss(a),div(o)
Rhino.DeleteObjects array(PapaTrack(0)(0),PapaTrack(1)(0), PapaTrack(2)(0))
For fnA=0 To 2
If IsoParms(0)(0) >1 Then
IsoParms(2)(0) = IsoParms(2)(0) -0.00001
If fna=0 Then
UDomain(0) = MasterUDomain(0)
UDomain(1) = IsoParms(0)(0)
End If
If fna=1 Then
UDomain(0) = IsoParms(0)(0)
UDomain(1) = IsoParms(1)(0)
End If
If fna=2 Then
UDomain(0) = IsoParms(1)(0)
UDomain(1) = IsoParms(2)(0)
End If
If fna=0 Then
UDomain(0) = MasterUDomain(0)
UDomain(1) = IsoParms(1)(0)
End If
If fna=1 Then
UDomain(0) = IsoParms(1)(0)
UDomain(1) = IsoParms(2)(0)
End If
If fna=2 Then
UDomain(0) = IsoParms(2)(0)
UDomain(1) = MasterUDomain(1)
End If
End If
UStep = (UDomain(1) – UDomain(0)) / intU
VStep = (VDomain(1) – VDomain(0)) / intV
For i = 0 To intU
For j = 0 To intV
u = UDomain(0) + UStep * i
v = VDomain(0) + VStep * j
arrFrame(i,j) = Rhino.SurfaceFrame (strSrf, Array(U,V))
’arrPt= Rhino.AddPoints (array(arrFrame(i,j)(0)))
stp = 2′avinstep
stp2 = 7’side
stp3 = 2′vert
start = 17
ReDim pts (0)
ReDim pts2 (0)
For j=0 To intU
If j>1 And j Mod 32 = 0 Then
For k = 0 To intV
If k>1 And k Mod 16 = 0 Then
If Ubound (pts)= 0 Then
ReDim Preserve pts(2)
pts(0) = arrFrame (j-16+stp,k-16)(0)
pts(1) = arrFrame(j-stp,k-8)(0)
pts(2) = arrFrame(j-16+stp,k)(0)
ReDim Preserve pts2(2)
pts2(0) = arrFrame (j-16-stp,k-16)(0)
pts2(1) = arrFrame(j-32+stp,k-8)(0)
pts2(2) = arrFrame(j-16-stp,k)(0)
’Rhino.AddPoint arrFrame(j-4,k-2)(0)
’Rhino.AddPoint arrFrame(j-8,k)(0)
Spandrel1 = arrFrame(j-16,k-8)
If j=32 Then
line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j-16-stp2,k-16)(0), arrFrame(j-32+stp,k-8-stp3)(0)))
End If
ReDim Preserve pts(Ubound (pts)+2)
ReDim Preserve pts2(Ubound (pts2)+2)
pts(Ubound (pts)-1) = arrFrame(j-stp,k-8)(0)
pts(Ubound (pts)) = arrFrame(j-16+stp,k)(0)
pts2(Ubound (pts2)-1) = arrFrame(j-32+stp,k-8)(0)
pts2(Ubound (pts2)) = arrFrame(j-16-stp,k)(0)
’Rhino.AddPoint arrFrame(j-4,k-2)(0)
’Rhino.AddPoint arrFrame(j-8,k)(0)
Spandrel1 = arrFrame(j-16,k-8)
Spandrel2 = arrFrame(j-32,k-16)
Rhino.AddPoint arrFrame(j-32,k-16)(0)
If j=32 Then
line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j-32+stp2,k-20)(0),arrFrame(j-16-stp2,k-16)(0), arrFrame(j-32+stp,k-8-stp3)(0)))
line2 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j-32+stp2,k-18)(0), arrFrame(j-32+stp+1,k-8-stp3-1)(0)))
div=Rhino.DivideCurve (line,10)
div2 = Rhino.DivideCurve (line2,10)
For o=0 To Ubound (div)
Rhino.AddLine div(o),div2(o)
Rhino.DeleteObjects array(line,line2)
End If
If j= 64 Then
line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j-stp2,k-12)(0),arrFrame(j-16+stp2,k-16)(0), arrFrame(j-stp2,k-24+stp3)(0)))
line2 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j-stp2,k-14)(0), arrFrame(j-stp2-2,k-24+stp3+1)(0)))
div=Rhino.DivideCurve (line,10)
div2 = Rhino.DivideCurve (line2,10)
For o=0 To Ubound (div)
Rhino.AddLine div(o),div2(o)
Rhino.DeleteObjects array(line,line2)
End If
’If k=16 Then
’line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j-16+stp,k)(0), arrFrame(j-32,k-6)(0), arrFrame(j-stp,k)(0)))
’ End If
’If j=intU Then
’ For s=0 To 2
’ line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j,k-2)(0), arrFrame(j-s,k-4)(0)))
’ line2 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j,k-6)(0), arrFrame(j-s,k-4)(0)))
’ Next
’ End If
End If
WorldPlane = Rhino.WorldXYPlane ()
NorthVect = WorldPlane(2)
NorthVect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (NorthVect)
NormalVect = Spandrel1(3)
NormalVect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (NormalVect)
Angle = VectorAngle(NormalVect,NorthVect)
If Angle > 90 Then
oops=random (-2,1)
End If
If k<start Then
End If
If oops <= 0 Then
cnt= Spandrel1(0)
pta= arrFrame(j-16,k-stp3)(0)
ptb= arrFrame(j-32+stp2,k-8)(0)
ptc= arrFrame(j-16,k-16+stp3)(0)
ptd = arrFrame(j-stp2,k-8)(0)
d= Rhino.Distance (cnt, ptb)
For q=0 To Ubound (arrstrSrf)
If q<>p Then
closestpt = Rhino.SurfaceClosestPoint (arrstrSrf(q), cnt)
closestpt = Rhino.EvaluateSurface (arrstrSrf(q), closestpt)
d2 = Rhino.Distance (cnt,closestpt)
If d2<d*1.25 Then
End If
End If
If oops <= 0 Then
For g=0 To Ubound (StreamCrvs)
closestpt = rhino.CurveClosestPoint (StreamCrvs(g),cnt)
closestpt = Rhino.EvaluateCurve (StreamCrvs(g), closestpt)
d2= Rhino.Distance (cnt,closestpt)
If d2<d/4 Then
End If
If oops <= 0 Then
Call MakeWindow (Spandrel1, array(pta,ptb,ptc,ptd,pta), strSrf)
End If
End If
End If
If oops > 0 Then
pta= arrFrame(j-16-1,k-stp3)(0)
ptb= arrFrame(j-32+stp2,k-8)(0)
ptc= arrFrame(j-16-stp,k-16+stp3)(0)
ptd = arrFrame(j-16+1,k-stp3)(0)
pte = arrFrame(j-stp2,k-8)(0)
ptf = arrFrame(j-16+stp,k-16+stp3)(0)
ptg = arrFrame(j-16,k-16+stp3+1)(0)
d= Rhino.Distance (pta,ptc)
line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(pta,ptb,ptc))
line2 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf,array(pta,ptg))
line3 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(ptd,pte,ptf))
div= Rhino.DivideCurve (line, 25)
div2= Rhino.DivideCurve (line2, 25)
div3 = Rhino.DivideCurve (line3,25)
For r=0 To Ubound (div)
Rhino.AddInterpCurve array(div(r),div2(r),div3(r))
Rhino.DeleteObjects array(line,line2,line3)
End If
If j>32 And k>16 Then
NormalVect = Spandrel2(3)
NormalVect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (NormalVect)
Angle = VectorAngle(NormalVect,NorthVect)
oops= 0
If Angle > 90 Then
oops=random (-2,1)
End If
If k<start Then
End If
If oops <= 0 Then
cnt= Spandrel2(0)
pta= arrFrame(j-32,k-8-stp3)(0)
ptb= arrFrame(j-48+stp2,k-16)(0)
ptc= arrFrame(j-32,k-24+stp3)(0)
ptd = arrFrame(j-16-stp2,k-16)(0)
d= Rhino.Distance (pta, cnt)
For q=0 To Ubound (arrstrSrf)
If q<>p Then
closestpt = Rhino.SurfaceClosestPoint (arrstrSrf(q), cnt)
closestpt = Rhino.EvaluateSurface (arrstrSrf(q), closestpt)
d2 = Rhino.Distance (cnt,closestpt)
If d2<d*1.25 Then
End If
End If
If oops <= 0 Then
For g=0 To Ubound (StreamCrvs)
closestpt = rhino.CurveClosestPoint (StreamCrvs(g),cnt)
closestpt = Rhino.EvaluateCurve (StreamCrvs(g), closestpt)
d2= Rhino.Distance (cnt,closestpt)
If d2<d Then
End If
If oops <= 0 Then
Call MakeWindow (Spandrel2, array(pta,ptb,ptc,ptd,pta), strSrf)
End If
End If
End If
If oops >0 Then
pta= arrFrame(j-32-1,k-8-stp3)(0)
ptb= arrFrame(j-48+stp2,k-16)(0)
ptc= arrFrame(j-32-1,k-24+stp3)(0)
ptd = arrFrame(j-32+1,k-8-stp3)(0)
pte = arrFrame(j-16-stp2,k-16)(0)
ptf = arrFrame(j-32+stp,k-24+stp3)(0)
ptg = arrFrame(j-32,k-24+stp3+1)(0)
d= Rhino.Distance (pta,ptc)
line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(pta,ptb,ptc))
line2 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf,array(pta,ptg))
line3 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(ptd,pte,ptf))
div= Rhino.DivideCurve (line, 25)
div2= Rhino.DivideCurve (line2, 25)
div3 = Rhino.DivideCurve (line3,25)
For r=0 To Ubound (div)
Rhino.AddInterpCurve array(div(r),div2(r),div3(r))
Rhino.DeleteObjects array(line,line2,line3)
’line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j-15,k-12)(0), arrFrame(j-10,k-8)(0), arrFrame(j-15,k-4)(0)))
’line2 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, array(arrFrame(j-17,k-12)(0), arrFrame(j-22,k-8)(0), arrFrame(j-17,k-4)(0)))
End If
End If
End If
line = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, pts)
’Rhino.AddInterpCurve pts
’Rhino.AddInterpCurve pts2
line2 = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf, pts2)
FlatMIdpt= Rhino.PointAdd (Trackcnt, array(Trackcnt(0),Trackcnt(1),-1*Trackcnt(2)))
For f=0 To Ubound(pts)
ReDim Preserve newpts(f)
amypt = Rhino.PointAdd (pts(f),array(pts(f)(0),pts(f)(1),-1*pts(f)(2)))
vect= Rhino.VectorCreate (FlatMIdpt,amypt)
vect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (vect)
vect = Rhino.VectorScale (vect, 2)
newpts(f) = Rhino.PointAdd (pts(f),vect)
Rhino.AddInterpCurve newpts
For f=0 To Ubound(pts2)
ReDim Preserve newpts(f)
amypt = Rhino.PointAdd (pts2(f),array(pts2(f)(0),pts2(f)(1),-1*pts2(f)(2)))
vect= Rhino.VectorCreate (FlatMIdpt,amypt)
vect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (vect)
vect = Rhino.VectorScale (vect, 2)
newpts(f) = Rhino.PointAdd (pts2(f),vect)
Rhino.AddInterpCurve newpts
ReDim pts (0)
ReDim pts2 (0)
End If
Rhino.EnableRedraw (True)
If strDelete = “yes” Then
Rhino.deleteobject strSrf
Rhino.Print(“Surface deleted”)
End If
Rhino.Print(“Script completed”)
End Sub
Function MakeWindow (Spandrel, arrpts, strSrf)
Dim arrcrvs(2),cnt,d,WorldPlane,NormalVect,NorthVect,i, vect, movpts1(),movpts2(), ZenithVect, srf, pt
Dim j, line, mid, try, isopts, CrazyVect,Rand
Rand = random (0.35,0.5)
cnt = Spandrel(0)
d= Rhino.Distance (arrpts(0),cnt)
WorldPlane = Rhino.WorldXYPlane ()
NormalVect = Spandrel(3)
NormalVect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (NormalVect)
NormalVect = Rhino.VectorScale (NormalVect, random(d*0.05,d*0.12))
NorthVect = WorldPlane(2)
NorthVect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (NorthVect)
NorthVect = Rhino.VectorScale (NorthVect, d*0.05)
CrazyVect = Spandrel(1)
CrazyVect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (CrazyVect)
CrazyVect = Rhino.VectorScale (CrazyVect, random(-0.1*d,0.1*d))
ZenithVect = WorldPlane (3)
ZenithVect = Rhino.VectorUnitize (ZenithVect)
ZenithVect = Rhino.VectorScale (ZenithVect, random(d*0.2,d*0.25))
arrcrvs (0) = Rhino.AddInterpCrvOnSrf (strSrf,arrpts)
For i=0 To Ubound (arrpts)
ReDim Preserve movpts1(i)
ReDim Preserve movpts2(i)
vect = Rhino.VectorCreate (cnt,arrpts(i))
vect = Rhino.VectorScale (vect, Rand)
movpts1(i) = Rhino.PointAdd (arrpts(i), vect)
movpts2(i) = Rhino.PointAdd (movpts1(i), NormalVect)
movpts2(i) = Rhino.PointAdd (movpts2(i), NorthVect)
movpts2(i) = Rhino.PointAdd (movpts2(i), ZenithVect)
movpts2(i) = Rhino.PointAdd (movpts2(i), NormalVect)
movpts2(i) = Rhino.PointAdd (movpts2(i), CrazyVect)
arrcrvs(1) = Rhino.AddInterpCurve (movpts1)
arrcrvs(2) = Rhino.AddInterpCurve (movpts2)
try =Rhino.RebuildCurve (arrcrvs(2),3,4)
srf = Rhino.AddLoftSrf (arrcrvs,,,1)
’try = Rhino.RebuildSurface (srf(0),array(3,3),array(4,3))
isopts = Rhino.DivideCurve (arrcrvs(0),30)
For j=0 To Ubound (isopts)
pt = Rhino.SurfaceClosestPoint (srf(0), isopts(j))
Rhino.ExtractIsoCurve srf(0) , pt, 0
Rhino.DeleteObjects arrcrvs
Rhino.DeleteObject srf(0)
End Function
Function Find_isocurves (arrPaths,srf)
Dim endpt,check, parms(), OrderedParms(),max,min
Dim b,n,i
For b=0 To Ubound (arrPaths)
endpt = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (arrPaths(b))
check = Rhino.IsPointOnSurface (srf,endpt)
If check = True Then
ReDim Preserve parms (n)
parms(n) = Rhino.SurfaceClosestPoint (srf, endpt)
End If
max = Rhino.Max (array(parms(0)(0),parms(1)(0),parms(2)(0)))
min = Rhino.Min (array(parms(0)(0),parms(1)(0),parms(2)(0)))
ReDim OrderedParms (2)
If parms(0)(0)=min Then
OrderedParms(0) = parms(0)
End If
If parms(1)(0)=min Then
OrderedParms(0) = parms(1)
End If
If parms(2)(0)=min Then
OrderedParms(0) = parms(2)
End If
If parms(0)(0)=max Then
OrderedParms(2) = parms(0)
End If
If parms(1)(0)=max Then
OrderedParms(2) = parms(1)
End If
If parms(2)(0)=max Then
OrderedParms(2) = parms(2)
End If
If parms(0)(0)<>min And parms(0)(0) <>max Then
OrderedParms(1) = parms(0)
End If
If parms(1)(0)<>min And parms(1)(0) <>max Then
OrderedParms(1) = parms(1)
End If
If parms(2)(0)<>min And parms(2)(0) <>max Then
OrderedParms(1) = parms(2)
End If
’For i=0 To Ubound (OrderedParms)
’Rhino.ExtractIsoCurve srf,OrderedParms(i),1
Find_isocurves = OrderedParms
End Function
Function FindCenter (arrpts)
Dim i, Objpts(), arrBBox, arrCntrPt, j
For i=0 To Ubound(arrpts)
If IsNull (arrpts(i)) Then
FindCenter = Null
Exit Function
End If
ReDim Preserve Objpts(i)
Objpts(i)= Rhino.AddPoint (arrpts(i))
arrBBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(Objpts)
arrCntrPt = array((((arrBBox(2)(0)) + (arrBBox(0)(0))) / 2), (((arrBBox(2)(1)) + (arrBBox(0)(1))) / 2), (((arrBBox(0)(2)) + (arrBBox(4)(2))) / 2))
FindCenter = arrCntrPt
For j = 0 To Ubound(objpts)
Rhino.DeleteObject objpts(j)
End Function
Function VectorAngle(v0, v1)
Dim u0 : u0 = Rhino.VectorUnitize(v0)
Dim u1 : u1 = Rhino.VectorUnitize(v1)
Dim dot : dot = Rhino.VectorDotProduct(u0, u1)
’ Force the dot product of the two input vectors to
’ fall within the domain for inverse cosine, which
’ is -1 <= x <= 1. This will prevent runtime
’ “domain error” math exceptions.
If (dot < -1.0) Then
dot = -1.0
ElseIf (dot > 1.0) Then
dot = 1.0
End If
VectorAngle = Rhino.ToDegrees(Rhino.ACos(dot))
End Function
Function random(min,max)
random = (max-min) * Rnd + min
End Function
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